Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for Robert BOYLE and Margaret “Maggie” MCAULEY

Husband: Robert BOYLEBorn: on 26 June 1848 in Eganville, Wilberforce Township, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 6 Nov. 1871 in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaDied: on 7 Oct. 1932 at home in Cobalt, Ontario, CanadaBuried: on 10 Oct. 1932 in St. John’s Cemetery, North Bay, Ontario, CanadaHis Father: Henry John BOYLEHis Mother: Catherine SEALYNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
Wife: Margaret “Maggie” MCAULEYBorn: on 16 March 1855 in Shady Nook, by Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 29 Dec. 1945 in New Liskeard, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in St. John’s Cemetery, North Bay, Ontario, CanadaHer Father: John MCAULEYHer Mother: Mary MCCAUGHANNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
1 Son: William Robert BOYLEBorn: on 26 Aug. 1872 in Lake Dore, Renfrew, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 16 Sep. 1972 in Lethbridge, AlbertaBuried: His First Wife: Catherine Elizabeth “Lizzie” WENDELHis Second Wife: Margarethe Staal Larson FALKNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
2 Son: James Edward “Jim” BOYLEBorn: on 4 Oct. 1874 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 14 Oct. 1958 in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Susan BESTNotes Pedigree Descendants
3 Dau: Mary McAuley “Sis” BOYLEBorn: on 3 Feb. 1877 in Chalk River (Tuckers Creek), Renfrew, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 10 Dec. 1946 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaBuried: in Kenaston Public Cemetery, Kenaston, Saskatchewan, CanadaHer Husband: Alexander Alfred LAFAVENotes Pedigree Descendants Images
4 Son: John BOYLEBorn: on 28 Feb. 1879 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 2 March 1879 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBuried: Notes Pedigree
5 Dau: Thomasena “Tena” BOYLEBorn: on 12 Jan. 1880 in Eganville, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 7 Nov. 1964 in Parry Sound, Ontario, CanadaBuried: Her Husband: Walter Hector “Hector” ARMITAGENotes Pedigree Descendants
6 Dau: Margaret Alice “Alice” BOYLEBorn: on 22 Jan. 1882 in Trout Creek, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 24 May 1953 in New Liskeard, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in North Bay, Ontario, CanadaHer Husband: Marquis Alphonso “Phonsy” ELLISNotes Pedigree
7 Son: Hugh BOYLEBorn: on 6 April 1884 in Renfrew, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: in 1969 in Port Arthur, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in Mountainview Cemetery, Thunder Bay, Ontario, CanadaHis Wife: Ann McInnes BLACKNotes Pedigree Descendants
8 Son: Thomas Henry BOYLEBorn: on 18 Jan. 1886 in Township of Stafford, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 26 July 1886 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBuried: Notes Pedigree
9 Dau: Elizabeth BOYLEBorn: on 10 June 1887 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 16 June 1887 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBuried: Pedigree
10 Dau: Charlotte Jane BOYLEBorn: on 31 July 1888 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 4 Oct. 1889 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBuried: Pedigree
11 Dau: Ellener Stewart BOYLEBorn: on 29 Aug. 1890 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 4 Jan. 1972 in North Bay, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in St Johns Cemetery, North Bay, Ontario, CanadaHer Husband: Francis Joseph “Frank” LENDRUMNotes Pedigree Descendants
12 Dau: Catherine “Kit” BOYLEBorn: on 31 March 1893 in Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaBuried: Her Husband: James Graham HOODNotes Pedigree Descendants
13 Dau: Henrietta “Aunt Henri” BOYLEBorn: on 18 March 1895 in Cache Bay, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 26 Jan. 1984 in North Bay, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in St. John’s Cemetery, North Bay, Ontario, CanadaNotes Pedigree
Tuesday, March 28, 2023