Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Daniel “Danny” ZIOLA and Donna DANYLUK
Husband: Daniel “Danny” ZIOLABorn: Baptized: Married: on 17 July 1976Died:Buried: His Father: Leonard Lloyd ZIOLAHis Mother: Wanda MARKOWSKIPedigree Descendants
Wife: Donna DANYLUKBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Father:Her Mother:Descendants
1 Dau: Amber ZIOLABorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Aaron HERSHMILLERPedigree
2 Dau: Lindsay ZIOLABorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Jeffrey AUSTMANPedigree
3 Dau: Jaime Lee ZIOLABorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Matthew Robert STOBBSPedigree
4 Son: Clarke ZIOLABorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Pedigree