Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Pedigree for Luke Charles BOYLE

                          +———William (unverified) BOYLE (abt 1770 Ireland – Ireland)                          |                      +———Henry John BOYLE (1 May 1803 Bandon, County Cork, Ireland – 3 Feb 1876 Lake Dore, Ontario, Canada)                      |   |                          |   +———Sophie (unverified) DAVIES                      |                  +———Henry “Junior” BOYLE (26 Jun 1843 Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada – 21 Sep 1911 Bangor, Ontario, Canada)                  |   |                      |   +———Martha READE (Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada – 1843 Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada)                  |              +———George Levigh BOYLE (1873 Bangor, Ontario, Canada – 25 Apr 1902 Barks Lake, Ontario, Canada)              |   |                          |   |       +———William REILEY (1780 – )              |   |       |              |   |   +———George RILEY (bet 1809 and 1811 Cork, Cork Co, Ireland – 19 Apr 1886 Bangor Twp, Hasting Co, Ontario, Canada)              |   |   |   |                  |   |   |   +———Catherine              |   |   |              |   +———Mary RILEY (19 Mar 1841 Cedar Hills, Pakenham, Ontario, Canada – bet 1901 and 1911)              |       |                  |       +———Elizabeth HIGISSON (1819 Ireland – 8 Feb 1888 Radcliffe and Raglan Townships, Renfrew Co, Ontario, Canada)              |          +———Ernest Andrew Patrick BOYLE (2 Jun 1902 Bangor, Ontario, Canada – 26 Apr 1972 Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)          |   |                  |   |   +———Edward Paul “Henry” SMITH (1845 – 1926)          |   |   |          |   +———Annie Florence SMITH (4 Nov 1880 Coventry, England – 10 Sep 1971 St. Ignatius, Maynooth, Ontario, Canada)          |       |              |       +———Philomena Agnes Walters “Mary” HARRIS (1849 – 1929)          |      +———Charles Joseph Hepburn BOYLE (1 Jul 1934 Maynooth, Ontario, Canada – 25 Jan 2002 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)      |   |                  |   |       +———Timothy FOLEY ( – Baptiste Lake, Ontario, Canada)      |   |       |      |   |   +———Timothy Jeremiah FOLEY (6 Feb 1883 Eastern Ontario, Canada – 20 Aug 1938 Kingston, Ontario, Canada)      |   |   |   |          |   |   |   +———BURNS (Petrolia, Ontario, Canada – )      |   |   |      |   +———Eileen Mary FOLEY (16 Mar 1913 Bird's Creek, Ontario, Canada – 19 Dec 1990 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)      |       |              |       |   +———John BROWN (Madoc, Ontario, Canada – )      |       |   |      |       +———Margaret Ann BROWN (14 Mar 1893 County Hasting, Canada – abt 8 Nov 1958)      |           |          |           +———Mary BURLANYETTE      |  +———Matthew Charles Nelson Joseph BOYLE (Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – living)  |   |                                              |   |                                       +———Pierre CHALUT (Limalonges, Poitou, France – )  |   |                                       |  |   |                                   +———François Ancetre CHALUT (1651 Limalonges, Poitou, France – 15 Jun 1731 Quebec, Quebec, Canada)  |   |                                   |   |      |   |                                   |   +———Jeanne THIBAUT (Limalonges, Poitou, France – )  |   |                                   |  |   |                               +———Jacques CHALUT (1696 St. Thomas, Quebec, Canada – 5 Mar 1762 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada)  |   |                               |   |          |   |                               |   |   +———Jean AMAURY  |   |                               |   |   |  |   |                               |   +———Marie AMAURY (23 Sep 1677 Ste. Famille, Quebec, Canada – 21 Dec 1705 St. Francois, Quebec, Canada)  |   |                               |       |      |   |                               |       +———Marie VIGNY  |   |                               |  |   |                           +———Michel CHALUT (4 Sep 1744 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada – Papineauville, Quebec, Canada)  |   |                           |   |          |   |                           |   |   +———Christopher LUSSIER  |   |                           |   |   |  |   |                           |   +———Marie Louise LUSSIER (6 Jun 1702 Varennes, Quebec, Canada – )  |   |                           |       |      |   |                           |       +———Catherine GAUTHIER  |   |                           |  |   |                       +———Michel CHALUT (1778 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada – )  |   |                       |   |      |   |                       |   +———Marie Louise LOISELLE  |   |                       |  |   |                   +———Michel O. CHALUT (1798 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada – 30 Jul 1874 Papineauville, Quebec, Canada)  |   |                   |   |          |   |                   |   |   +———Joseph CARPENTIER  |   |                   |   |   |  |   |                   |   +———Marie Agatha CARPENTIER (Quebec, Canada – )  |   |                   |       |      |   |                   |       +———Marie OULETTE  |   |                   |  |   |               +———Michel CHALUT (19 May 1822 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada – 21 Oct 1893 Paris, Mecosta, Michigan, USA)  |   |               |   |              |   |               |   |       +———Toussaint LOISEL  |   |               |   |       |  |   |               |   |   +———Nicholas LOISEL  |   |               |   |   |   |      |   |               |   |   |   +———Louise HOGUE  |   |               |   |   |  |   |               |   +———Marie Louise LOISEL (1800 Papineauville, Quebec, Canada – Papineauville, Quebec, Canada)  |   |               |       |              |   |               |       |       +———Pierre RACINE  |   |               |       |       |  |   |               |       |   +———RACINE  |   |               |       |   |   |      |   |               |       |   |   +———Louise LEVASSEUR  |   |               |       |   |  |   |               |       +———Marie Louise RACINE  |   |               |           |                  |   |               |           |           +———Pierre CHALUT (Limalonges, Poitou, France – )  |   |               |           |           |  |   |               |           |       +———François Ancetre CHALUT (1651 Limalonges, Poitou, France – 15 Jun 1731 Quebec, Quebec, Canada)  |   |               |           |       |   |      |   |               |           |       |   +———Jeanne THIBAUT (Limalonges, Poitou, France – )  |   |               |           |       |  |   |               |           |   +———Jacques CHALUT (1696 St. Thomas, Quebec, Canada – 5 Mar 1762 Vercheres, Quebec, Canada)  |   |               |           |   |   |          |   |               |           |   |   |   +———Jean AMAURY  |   |               |           |   |   |   |  |   |               |           |   |   +———Marie AMAURY (23 Sep 1677 Ste. Famille, Quebec, Canada – 21 Dec 1705 St. Francois, Quebec, Canada)  |   |               |           |   |       |      |   |               |           |   |       +———Marie VIGNY  |   |               |           |   |  |   |               |           +———Marie Louise CHALUT  |   |               |               |          |   |               |               |   +———Christopher LUSSIER  |   |               |               |   |  |   |               |               +———Marie Louise LUSSIER (6 Jun 1702 Varennes, Quebec, Canada – )  |   |               |                   |      |   |               |                   +———Catherine GAUTHIER  |   |               |  |   |           +———William CHALUT (29 May 1850 Malone, New York, USA – 4 May 1910 Thessalon, Ontario, Canada)  |   |           |   |      |   |           |   +———Marguerite MÉNARD (2 Feb 1814 St. Chrytome, Quebec, Canada – 16 Jun 1902 Chateau Gay, Papineauville, Quebec, Canada)  |   |           |  |   |       +———Louie CHALUT (11 Sep 1872 Big Rapids, Michigan, USA – Jun 1950 Thessalon, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |   |      |   |       |   +———Hélène GARON  |   |       |  |   |   +———Nelson Richmond Joseph CHALUT (27 Oct 1900 Papineauville, Quebec, Canada – 1 Sep 1989 Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |   |      |   |   |   +———Malvina Maria DESJARDINS (1879 – Feb 1916 Thessalon, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |  |   +———Jeanette Bernadette CHALUT (St. John's Hospital, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada – living)  |       |                                  |       |                           +———Jean Baptiste CHARLEBOIS  |       |                           |  |       |                       +———Joseph CHARLEBOIS  |       |                       |   |      |       |                       |   +———Marthe PERRIER  |       |                       |  |       |                   +———André CHARLEBOIS  |       |                   |   |          |       |                   |   |   +———Jacques TRIOLET  |       |                   |   |   |  |       |                   |   +———Catherine TRIOLET  |       |                   |       |      |       |                   |       +———Marie ROI  |       |                   |  |       |               +———François CHARLEBOIS  |       |               |   |          |       |               |   |   +———Guilliaume DAOUST  |       |               |   |   |  |       |               |   +———Josephte DAOUST  |       |               |       |      |       |               |       +———Catherine HUNEAU  |       |               |  |       |           +———Amable CHARLEBOIS  |       |           |   |          |       |           |   |   +———Jean Baptiste VALOIS  |       |           |   |   |  |       |           |   +———Marie Catherine VALOIS  |       |           |       |      |       |           |       +———Marie DORÉ  |       |           |  |       |       +———Pierre CHARLEBOIS (abt 1837 St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada – )  |       |       |   |          |       |       |   |   +———Michel BEAUCHESNE  |       |       |   |   |  |       |       |   +———Isabelle BEAUCHESNE (abt 1814 – )  |       |       |       |      |       |       |       +———Catherine ROUSSEAU  |       |       |  |       |   +———André CHARLEBOIS (25 Apr 1871 Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada – 28 Feb 1966)  |       |   |   |                                                  |       |   |   |                                           +———Louis du QUESNEL  |       |   |   |                                           |  |       |   |   |                                       +———Jean De QUESNEL  |       |   |   |                                       |   |          |       |   |   |                                       |   |   +———Jean Le BOEUF  |       |   |   |                                       |   |   |  |       |   |   |                                       |   +———Françoise Le BOEUF  |       |   |   |                                       |       |          |       |   |   |                                       |       |   +———Guillaume DU FRESNE  |       |   |   |                                       |       |   |  |       |   |   |                                       |       +———Marguerite II DU FRESNE  |       |   |   |                                       |  |       |   |   |                                   +———Pierre Nicolas De QUESNEL (Normandie, France – )  |       |   |   |                                   |  |       |   |   |                               +———Georges De QUESNEL (Normandie, France – )  |       |   |   |                               |   |      |       |   |   |                               |   +———Barbe Le BLANC  |       |   |   |                               |  |       |   |   |                           +———Pierre QUESNEL (St. Malo, Bayeux, Calvados, France – )  |       |   |   |                           |   |      |       |   |   |                           |   +———Charlotte De MALVOUE  |       |   |   |                           |  |       |   |   |                       +———Olivier QUESNEL (1651 St. Malo, Bayeux, Calvados, France – 15 May 1719 Lachine, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |                       |   |      |       |   |   |                       |   +———Marie POULARD (St. Malo, Bayeux, Calvados, France – )  |       |   |   |                       |  |       |   |   |                   +———Jean Baptiste QUESNEL (31 Oct 1681 Montreal, Quebec, Canada – )  |       |   |   |                   |   |          |       |   |   |                   |   |   +———Louis PRUD’HOMME  |       |   |   |                   |   |   |  |       |   |   |                   |   +———Catherine PRUD’HOMME (26 Mar 1661 Montreal, Quebec, Canada – 24 Jun 1736 Montreal, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |                   |       |      |       |   |   |                   |       +———Roberte GADOIS  |       |   |   |                   |  |       |   |   |               +———Michel Antoine QUESNEL (25 Oct 1705 Oka, Quebec, Canada – 17 Jun 1760 Oka, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |               |  |       |   |   |           +———Antoine QUESNEL (22 Oct 1737 Bout de l'ile, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – 17 Aug 1827 Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |           |   |          |       |   |   |           |   |   +———Louis GAVILLON  |       |   |   |           |   |   |  |       |   |   |           |   +———Angélique GAVILLON (bet 1694 and 1719 – 17 Aug 1810 Soulanges (Les Cedres), Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |           |       |      |       |   |   |           |       +———Marie Anne FAFARD  |       |   |   |           |  |       |   |   |       +———Jean-Baptiste QUESNEL (5 Jun 1770 Oka, Quebec, Canada – )  |       |   |   |       |   |              |       |   |   |       |   |       +———Jean Baptiste SÉGUIN  |       |   |   |       |   |       |  |       |   |   |       |   |   +———Jean Baptiste SÉGUIN (8 Apr 1712 Boucherville, Chambly Co, Quebec, Canada – 13 Jul 1763 Lac des Deux Montagne, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |       |   |   |   |      |       |   |   |       |   |   |   +———Geneviève BARBEAU  |       |   |   |       |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |   +———Elizabeth SÉGUIN (8 Jul 1744 Oka, Quebec, Canada – 27 Feb 1808 Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |       |       |                  |       |   |   |       |       |           +———James RISING (abt 1630 Hartford, Massachusetts, USA – 11 Sep 1688 Hartford, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |           |  |       |   |   |       |       |       +———John RISING (14 Apr 1660 Hartford, Connecticut, USA – 11 Sep 1688 Hartford, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |              |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |       +———Peter HINSDALE (abt 1590 Dedham, Essex, England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |       |  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |   +———Dea. Robert HINSDALE (1617 Dedham, Essex, England – 18 Sep 1675 Bloody Brook)  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |   |   |      |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |   |   +———Ann (abt 1595 Dedham, Essex, England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |       |   +———Elisabeth HINSDALE (1637 Hartford, Connecticut, USA – 11 Aug 1699 Hartford, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |       |       |          |       |   |   |       |       |       |       |   +———Peter WOODWARD  |       |   |   |       |       |       |       |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |       |       +———Anne WOODWARD (Dedham, Essex, England – 4 Jun 1666 Dedham, Essex, England)  |       |   |   |       |       |       |           |      |       |   |   |       |       |       |           +———Ann  |       |   |   |       |       |       |  |       |   |   |       |       |   +———Josiah RISING (2 Feb 1694 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA – 30 Dec 1771 Oka, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |                  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |           +———Thomas Hail HEALD (1588 Alderly, Cheshire, England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |           |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |       +———John HEALD (1619 England – 24 May 1662 Concord, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |       |   |      |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |       |   +———Mary TURNER (1583 England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |       |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   +———Timothy HEALD (1643 Windsor, Connecticut, USA – 26 Jul 1689 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |   |          |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |   |   +———John ANDREWS (1575 England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |   +———Dorothy Andross ANDREWS (1615 Alderly, Cheshire, England – 29 Oct 1694 Dedham, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |       |      |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |       +———Dorothy (abt 1575 England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |   +———Sara HALL (23 Apr 1665 Hartford, Connecticut, USA – 11 Oct 1698 Hartford, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |       |              |       |   |   |       |       |   |       |       +———Thomas Edward BARBER (1588 Bedford, England – 1643 England)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |       |       |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |       |   +———Thomas BARBER (1614 Windsor, Connecticut, USA – 11 Sep 1662 Windsor, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |       |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |       +———Sarah BARBER (19 Jul 1646 Windsor, Connecticut, USA – 26 Jul 1690 Simsbury, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |           |          |       |   |   |       |       |   |           |   +———John COGGINS (abt 1593 Bedford, England – )  |       |   |   |       |       |   |           |   |  |       |   |   |       |       |   |           +———Jane COGGINS (1619 Bedfordshire, England – 10 Sep 1662 Windsor, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |       |   |  |       |   |   |       |       +———Catherine RAIZENNE (abt 1720 Oka, Quebec, Canada – 25 Mar 1787)  |       |   |   |       |           |                          |       |   |   |       |           |                   +———William STUBBENS (abt 1538 Essex, England – abt 1563 Essex, England)  |       |   |   |       |           |                   |  |       |   |   |       |           |               +———Thomas STUBBENS (1566 Bocking, Essex, England – 16 Oct 1660 England)  |       |   |   |       |           |               |  |       |   |   |       |           |           +———Rowland Rawling STUBBENS (5 Nov 1592 St. Mary's Bocking, Essex, England – 14 Dec 1691 Northhamton, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |           |           |  |       |   |   |       |           |       +———John STUBBENS (1625 St. Mary's Bocking, Essex, England – 7 Mar 1677/8 Northhamton, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |           |       |   |              |       |   |   |       |           |       |   |       +———John WHITTING (abt 1540 Earls Colne, Essex, England – )  |       |   |   |       |           |       |   |       |  |       |   |   |       |           |       |   |   +———John WHITTING (1561 Boston, Lincs, England – 20 Oct 1617 St. Botolph Par, Lincs, England)  |       |   |   |       |           |       |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |           |       |   +———Sarah WHITTING (30 Nov 1591 St. Mary's Bocking, Essex, England – 4 Oct 1649 Springfield, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |           |       |       |      |       |   |   |       |           |       |       +———Sarah SMITH (1569 Bocking, Essex, England – 4 Oct 1649 England)  |       |   |   |       |           |       |  |       |   |   |       |           |   +———Jean STUBBENS (28 Jan 1647 Springfield, Massachusetts, USA – 19 Dec 1724 Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |           |   |   |          |       |   |   |       |           |   |   |   +———Thomas MUNSON (abt 1600 England – )  |       |   |   |       |           |   |   |   |  |       |   |   |       |           |   |   +———Mary Anne MUNSON (abt 1623 Springfield, Massachusetts, USA – 1656 Northhamton, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |           |   |       |      |       |   |   |       |           |   |       +———Susan (abt 1600 Northhamton, Massachusetts, USA – )  |       |   |   |       |           |   |  |       |   |   |       |           +———Elisabeth STEBBINS (11 Jun 1700 Franklin, Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA – 3 Jan 1746/7 Lac des Deux Montagne, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |       |               |              |       |   |   |       |               |       +———John ALEXANDER (1593 Scotland – 1703 Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |               |       |  |       |   |   |       |               |   +———John ALEXANDER (1622 Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA – 11 Dec 1696 Windsor, Connecticut, USA)  |       |   |   |       |               |   |  |       |   |   |       |               +———Dorothee ALEXANDER (1660 Newton, Massachusetts, USA – aft 1741 Newton, Massachusetts, USA)  |       |   |   |       |                   |      |       |   |   |       |                   +———Beatrice (abt 1628 Newton, Massachusetts, USA – )  |       |   |   |       |  |       |   |   |   +———Antoine QUESNEL (20 Jan 1794 Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada – 16 Feb 1846 St. Anicet, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |   |   |          |       |   |   |   |   |   +———Jean BESNER  |       |   |   |   |   |   |  |       |   |   |   |   +———Geneviève BESNER (28 Oct 1776 Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada – 4 Jan 1826 Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |   |   |       |      |       |   |   |   |       +———Marie Anne GROUSSELINE  |       |   |   |   |  |       |   |   +———Anastasie QUESNEL (abt 1836 – 1917)  |       |   |       |          |       |   |       |   +———Amable LEMAY  |       |   |       |   |  |       |   |       +———Félicité LEMAY (20 Oct 1800 St. Regis, Quebec, Canada – 16 Mar 1854 St. Anicet, Quebec, Canada)  |       |   |           |      |       |   |           +———Marie-Louise RAIS  |       |   |  |       +———Bernadette Fidélia Marie CHARLEBOIS (3 Jan 1904 3 Waters St, Pentanguishene, Ontario, Canada – 1 Aug 1995 Riverside Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)  |           |      |           +———Marie Albertine MAURICE (27 May 1878 Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada – 28 Jun 1925)  |      Luke Charles BOYLE (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – living)  |      +———Jennifer Helen JENNINGS (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – living)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023