Moved to Manitoba in spring of 1878, along with both his parents, and with 4 brothers and 2 sisters, and the Thomas Boyle family. His brother John homsteaded on the same Section, just east of Charles quarter (Section 27, Township 3, Range 7, W1). Both later bought the quarter sections south of their land (SW and SE, respectively).
Listed in 1881 Manitoba census as living in different household with his older brother John (who was listed as head of the household).
Built his first house in 1884 to help woo his bride-to-be Margaret - a two story log house, roughly 18x24 feet, shingled roof with a zinc saddle at one end to accomodate the stovepipe and the front wall accomodating a door in center, flanked by a double-sash window at either side.
By 1899, with 5 kids, they decided to build a new, larger house, and it was built in the summer of 1900: a frame, L shaped, eight roomed home, where the log house had been. This home was accidentally destroyed by fire in March of 1947.
There is a reference to Charles in the Manitou Western Canadian newspaper, from July 11, 1900, of him being caught in a vicious storm (or cyclone) which dumped a load of lumber he was hauling “in all directions”. He escaped without serious injury.
In the 1906 census, the family is shown having a mailing address of Darlingford (living on section 27, Twp 3, Rg 7, W1 Meridian. At the time, they had 9 horses, 6 milk cows, 18 other cattle, and either 20 or 30 pigs (hard to read). They also had a G or S Stevenson, a 20 year old female teacher, living with them.
Listed in June 5, 1916 census as living with his wife at W1, Twp 3, Rg 7. By this time, only Lorne, Howard and Ivan were living with them.
In the 1921 census, he and his wife Margaret are living on 6th street in Morden, with no one else.
Charles suffered a heavy stroke in July, 1940, at the age of 81, which prompted son Ivan (and his wife Irene) to move in to help Margaret take care of Charles and the home. Christine Storey (Charles’ grandson Arnold’s wife) mentions that he was pretty well uncommunicative at the end.
Marriage place from Manitoba Vital Statitics record.