She is listed in the 1861 census as age 9, living in Huntley Township along with her father, step-mother and siblings.
She is listed as Esther on her marriage registration (April 21, 1872), and was living in in Washago at the time. It lists her being born in Carleton County.
In the Grand Forks, ND 1900 census, it shows that she actually had 7 children, but only 5 were living at the time. I presume the other living one was Jane.
The 1910 USA census has her in Grand Forks, North Dakota, but shows her as still married. Her son John and daughter Maggie are also in the household.
There is a 1920 Santa Cruz, CA, California Hattie Forsyth, born in Canada, widowed, born around 1857. Not sure if it is the same person; if so, she was living an older women named Louise Drennan (age 80).
She is listed as “Hattie Forsyth” in the Santa Cruz, California death records, born in Canada, age 83. Santa Cruz is on the coast, just south of San Francisco.