Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Notes for Russell Thompson OWENS

Was buried at plot #67 (along with younger sister Thelma, and grandparents Elijah & Mary) in Cartwright graveyard before the 1962 highway addition in Cartwright caused them to be lumped in with other graves whose markings were destroyed, into a mass grave for which there is now a memorial. His birth is briefly mentioned in the Dec. 12, 1908 Southern Manitoba Review newspaper under “Items of Local Interest”: “Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Owens on Sunday, December 5th, a son.”

His obituary appeared in the June 26th, 1909 edition of the Southern Manitoba Review, and mentioned that “The little one had not been strong, but of late seemed to [be] progressing favorably, and at seven o’clock Sudnay morning was in apparent good spritis, when a sudden serious turn developed, and in a few hours death resulted.” His funeral was conducted by Rev. R.A. Clackson, in the Knox Church.

Chesterville history book has him dying in June 1908, at age 6 months.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023