Barb has her birth as April 8, 1851. I originally had Mar 1, 1851, but since the 1901 census matches, Barbs, am switching to that date.
Also referred to as Eliza by Gavin’s tree.
Settled in Wicklow Township in the late 1800’s and remained their all their lives.
Birthdate of 8 Apr 1851 in 1901 census. Listed in 1851/1852 census as living in Renfrew County,Wilberforce township, page 1, Age 1 next birthday.
Living with her parents in Wilberforce in 1861 census.
In 1911 census, she is living with her daughter Teenie’s family, but there is also an Edna Davis listed as her daughter (born Jun 1907) as well, not listed in Garvin’s tree.
She passed away from heart failure. She had moved to Wicklow around 1918.