From Boyle Bulletin #8: considered himself somewhat of a carpenter when he was a young fellow. He used to make little toy sleighs. When he grew up he moved out west, working building grain elevators. He moved back to Wicklow Township when he was older.
His marriage record states that he was a 29 year old mechanic living in Pembroke (and his mother’s name is listed as Catherine Keeley). Witnesses were Alexander King and Margaret Sincenay.
Living with his parents in Wilberforce in 1861 census.
The 1881 census records a Edward Boyle living as a laborer in the John Moore household, in Algona Nroth & Wilbeforce area in Renfrew,ON. His birth year is put as 1858.
In the 1901 census, while it doesn’t match Garvin’s exactly from Boyle Bulletin #15, is too close to be coincidence, so I am going with it.
By 1911 census, they were Copper Cliff, Nipissing,ON. His birth is listed as Aug. 1858. There also appeared to be a Frazer family living with them as well at the time: George and his wife Annie Lillian, and their two daughters Ina and Myrtle.