The 1911 census of Saskatoon shows Daniel being of Scottish descent. Also, he is listed as a real estate solictor, who made $720 the previous year.
He appears in the 1911 Hendersons Directory for Saskatoon as “Coulthard, D T clk Coulthard Harrison Co h 712 King”. If I understand the 1910 directory properly, King Street was just getting houses built in the 1909-1910 time frame.
He is in the 1912 Hendersons Directory for Saskatoon as “Coulthard Daniel T valuator W A Coulthard Agencies Ltd h 712 King E”. W.A stands for William A. Coulthard, who was the presdient, living at 616 Spadina Crescent (there was no east/west back then - so he either lived by Victoria Park/17th Street, or right by where the Bessborough Hotel is now). The company itself was at 217 Twenty-Second Street East. The company had a full page ad, where it shows that they sell loans, bonds and rentals on behalf of multiple companies (including Aetna Insurance, etc.). Both William (as President), and Daniel (as a Valuator) are listed amongst the 4 people shown. It is possible that William was Daniel’s oldest brother.
He is listed the same in the 1913 directory, and almost the same in 1914 (his occupation is changed to salesman). Neither he, nor his wife, are listed in the 1915 directory, so it must have been published sometime after this death (and when Alda moved back to Manitoba).
His probate forms list his last occupation as “Real Estate Agent”. It also mentions that he had died without leaving a will, which (kind of) confirms that he died suddenly and/or unexpectedly. It also mentions that Daniel was the trustee for land he sold to a farmer named Wesley Wolf (of Saskatoon) for $1340.00, purchased on March 18, 1912. It had been paid in full, but the title was apparently still Daniel’s. Alda Maud had to sign to give the title to Wesley on March 20th/24th, 1916 (most of her signatures in the probate forms are done from Manitoba). It later lists that it was “Lots 18 to 21 inclusive, in block “O”, in Twp 36, R5, W3 in Saskatchewan. Daniel’s real estate property is listed as being $150.00.
I don’t know any details, but his death in Saskatchewan at a young age is verified by a Saskatchewan vital statistics record, and happened before the 1916 census.
His obituary appears in The Saskatoon Phoenix, June 17, on page 3:
B.T. COULTHARD PASSES AWAY UNEXPECTEDLY - Well-Known Citizen Dies Suddenly After Several Years of Poor Health - B. T. Coulthard, brother of W. A. Coulthard, died yesterday after several years of poor health. The end came rather suddenly, however. Mr. Coulthard was well known around the city, having been connected with Butler, Byers Brothers and Coder, as special agent for the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. The funeral will be held from the residence, 712 King Street, at 2:30 p.m. Friday. Interment will be at Woodlawn.