Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Bulge intro screen #1 Battle of the Bulge intro screen #2
Battle of the Bulge intro screens 1&2
Battle of the Bulge game screen #1 Battle of the Bulge game screen #2
Battle of the Bulge game screens 1&2.

Battle of the Bulge is another of Ark Royal Games wartime simulation games, based on World War II (in this case, the Battle of the Bulge, which happened in Belgium in 1944). This one does it's mapping in low-resolution graphics, but actually shows animation of the pieces moving, and jumping to different parts of the map to show both your opponents movements, and your own movements. Your main goal in this game (if you are the Axis) is to capture the town of Liege, or break through the allied lines and cross the river. If you are the Allies, you have to hold out from December 16 through December 31, 1944, without giving up either of those goals. The game support one or two players. Moving your units takes different amounts of points, depending the severity of the terrain you are crossing. Artillery lets you fire up to 5 maps spaces away. The game even features deformable terrain, like blowing up bridges. Unlike most Ark Royal games, it even has built in help, via the @ key.

Title: Battle of the Bulge

Author: Carl Carpenter

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk.

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