
Camel intro screen #1 Camel intro screen #2
Camel intro screens 1&2

Camel intro screen #3 Camel intro screen #4
Camel intro screens 3&4

Camel game screen #1 Camel game screen #2
Camel game screens 1&2

Camel game screen #3 Camel game screen #4
Camel game screens 3&4

Camel is a Coco port of what was originally a text game from Creative Computing magazine in 1979 for multiple platforms (this pre-dates the Coco). It is a game that is similar in principal, although simpler then, the famous educational game Oregon Trail, and involves the player trying to get their camel across 200 miles of desert terrain safely, while avoiding a pygmy tribe that is chasing you, trying to find water, and varying your pace. The game is done in turns, with the player deciding of multiple courses of action each turn. The author of the Coco port, Paul Shoemaker, has added some multi-voice music, and well done animated 128x96 4 color graphics, and rewrote the original BASIC game in assembly language, in less than a week.

Title: Camel

Author: Paul Shoemaker

Publisher: Paul Shoemaker

Released: December 4, 2022

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM.

Download Camel here.

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