Chatwin Manor

Chatwin Manor intro screen #1 Chatwin Manor intro screen #2
Chatwin Manor intro screens 1&2
Chatwin Manor intro screen #3 Chatwin Manor intro screen #4
Chatwin Manor intro screens 3&4
Chatwin Manor intro screen #5 Chatwin Manor screen #1
Chatwin Manor intro screen #5 & game screen #1
Chatwin Manor game screen #2 Chatwin Manor game screen #2
Chatwin Manor game screens 2&3

Chatwin Manor is a graphical whodunnit game along the lines of the boardgame, Clue. It consist of multiple graphics screens that are loaded as needed (like the room map), and an ML routine to draw the text much faster than BASIC can. In it you have to figure out clues enough to solve who did the crime, similar to Club. Unfortunately, there is a constant sound while waiting for keyboard input that can get annoying after awhile, but otherwise it's a pretty solid version of the boardgame.

Title: Chatwin Manor

Author: Bob Horne

Publisher: Goldsoft/Coco Oz

Released: June 1986

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, disk only.

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