
ChessD intro screen

ChessD intro screen
ChessD help screen ChessD game screen
ChessD help & game screens

ChessD is probably the best Chess game that the Coco 1/2/3 had. It required a disk drive, which actually contained libraries of opening book moves to play against (32,000), instead of just the pure AI that most chess games (such as Micro Chess or Cyrus) had. Originally released by the end of June 1983 in a 32K version, it was upgraded the following year to require 64K. It used the letter/number combos for moves, had clocks to time the moves of both players, and even help features. It also let you build a game from any point; you could place all the pieces on both sides where ever you wanted to start the game from any point. Software Dynamics also had their own DOS, called SDOS, which they sold separately, but I believe that the game itself also used it.

Title: ChessD

Author: ??? (Software Dynamics)

Publisher: Computer Systems Distributors

Released: July 1983 (32K version-DECB), 1984 (64K version-SDOS). 1st mentioned in "New Products" in 80 Micro July 1983, Page 383.

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM (1983 version) or 64K RAM (1984 version), disk only.

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