Classic Solitaire

Classic Solitaire intro screen #1 Classic Solitaire intro screen #2
Classic Solitaire intro screens #1 & 2
Classic Solitaire Canfield game screen #1 Classic Solitaire Canfield game screen #2
Classic Solitaire Canfield game screens #1 & 2
Classic Solitaire Klondike game screen #1 Classic Solitaire Klondike game screen #2
Classic Solitaire Klondike game screens #1 & 2
Classic Solitaire Pyramid game screen #1 Classic Solitaire Pyramid game screen #2
Classic Solitaire Pyramid game screens #1 & 2

Classic Solitaire is a collection of Coco 3 solitaire card games (Canfield, Klondike, & Pyramid), written in BASIC (with some clever POKES to change a little of BASIC, and to map some graphics with the MMU). The games are all mouse (or joystick driven), with well drawn cards and card backs. Each of the 3 games also have 4 skill levels each, and you can restart a game at any time (or even exit the game to the main attract/menu screen. The attract screen is even animated, randomly spreading cards around in different patterns. To play each of the 3 games from the main attract screen, you simply hit the first letter of the game name.

Title: Classic Solitaire

Author: Ken Drewry and Judith A. Emge

Publisher: Eversoft Games Ltd.

Released: 1990

Requires: Color Computer 3, 128K RAM, disk, joystick or mouse.

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