Color Bowl Football

Color Bowl Football intro screen #1 Color Bowl Football intro screen #2
Color Bowl Football intro screens
Color Bowl Football game screen #1 Color Bowl Football game screen #2
Color Bowl Football intro screens 1&2
Color Bowl Football game screen #3 Color Bowl Football game screen #4
Color Bowl Football game screens 3&4
Color Bowl Football game screen #5

Color Bowl Football game screen #5

Color Bowl Football is a sideways scrolling, joystick controlled Football game. It almost looks like a sequel to the original Tandy/Radio Shack Football, but it has far more plays to choose from, and a one player mode for practicing as well. In it, you get to choose your offensive play first, and then the offensive formation for the rest of your team. You control the "active" player with your joystick. If you are passing, you at first control the quarterback, and once you hit the button to throw, control switches to your receiver (The player you are controlling is always a solid color; the computer players are mixed colors). I think a worthy successor to the original Football, which I always liked.

Title: Color Bowl Football

Author: Dave Kincaid

Publisher: Computerware

Released: 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk, joystick.

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