
Colordot intro screen #1 Colordot intro screen #2
Colordot intro screens #1&2
Colordot game screen #1 Colordot game screen #2
Colordot game screens #1&2
Colordot game screen #3

Colordot game screen #3

Colordot is based on an old pen and paper game. In the game, there is a grid of dots, and each player takes a turn drawing a line. The object is to complete a square - the player who places the last line to complete the square, claims the square as their own and receives a point (this is shown by both painting in the square in the players color, and by putting their first initial in it). The game is mostly in BASIC, with a couple of small ML subroutines.

Title: Colordot

Author: Bud Russell and Ed Delouis

Publisher: Chromasette August 1983 issue

Released: 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 16K RAM (cassette or disk)

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