Cosmic Crusader

Cosmic Crusader intro screen #1 Cosmic Crusader intro screen #2
Cosmic Crusader intro screens
Cosmic Crusader game screen #1 Cosmic Crusader game screen #2
Cosmic Crusader game screens #1 & 2
Cosmic Crusader game screen #3 Cosmic Crusader game screen #4
Cosmic Crusader game screens #3 & 4

Cosmic Crusader is a well done 3D space fighting game that originally appeared on the Dragon 32/64. It features multi-voice music from the Star Wars film, fancy animations to have your ship materialize (and blow up), twinkling star background, and multiple waves of ships (including tie fighters, which spin in from the distance) that you must shoot and dodge. There are also meteor swarms, where you must dodge the meteors (you can not shoot them). You also get bonus points for completing each round, and there is also a number of shots indicator (if you use them all up, you lose your current ship). The game features good 3D graphics, good sound effects, and is a really good game that I wish that we had seen in North America much sooner.

Title: Cosmic Crusader

Author: David K. Pridmore

Publisher: Blaby Computer Games

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk, joystick optional.

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