Cuthbert in the Cooler

Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #1 Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #2
Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screens #1 &2
Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #3 Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #4
Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screens #3 &4
Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #5 Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screen #6
Cuthbert in the Cooler intro screens #5 &6
Cuthbert in the Cooler game screen #1 Cuthbert in the Cooler game screen #2
Cuthbert in the Cooler game screens #1 & 2
Cuthbert in the Cooler game screen #3 Cuthbert in the Cooler game screen #4
Cuthbert in the Cooler game screens #3 & 4

Cuthbert in the Cooler is an original arcade style game that was originally released on the Dragon 32 in the UK. In it, you are trying to escape from a World War II German prisoner of war camp, and within the time left on the bonus timer. To do that, you have to accomplish a number of goals: 1) Get the key (a guard will randomly drop it near the beginning of the level), carry it to the Gate House and drop it (which causes the gate to open). Then escape through the open gate. 2) Get the Guards Papers (dropped randomly by a guard near the beginning of the level), wind your way through the marsh, and cross the bridge at the top left of the screen. 3) Get some money to pay for your ferry ride across the river, and finally navigate through the mine field to freedom. All this time you are dodging guards who are shooting at you (although you can sometimes maneuver them to shoot each other). A fun, original game, including some multi-voice musical bits... and, like some of the other Cuthbert titles, it was multi-platform, and also appeared on the Commodore 16 and Commodore Plus 4.

Title: Cuthbert in the Cooler

Author: Richard Phillips

Publisher: Microdeal Cornwall

Released: 1985 (Programmed 1984)

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk, joystick.

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