Dungeon Quest

Dungeon Quest intro screen #1 Dungeon Quest intro screen #2
Dungeon Quest intro screens #1 & 2
Dungeon Quest game screen #1 Dungeon Quest game screen #2
Dungeon Quest game screens #1 & 2
Dungeon Quest game screen #3 Dungeon Quest game screen #4
Dungeon Quest game screens #3 & 4

Dungeon Quest is a top view graphical adventure game, where you mission is to recover a crown. It is played with a combination of single key commands, and moving around with you joystick. There are multiple levels of difficulty, and you can randomize part of the game, thus increasing it's replay ability. Running in a 3 tiered PMODE 4 graphics screen, it is well presented, with smooth scrolling as you move around (drawing your own map is highly recommended). You use the joystick button to swing your weapon when fighting, while keyboard commands let you open doors, search for secret doors, etc. The dungeon maze is quite large, too.

Title: Dungeon Quest

Author: Steve Seiden

Publisher: Computerware

Released: 1985

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk, joystick.

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