Galactic Hangman

Galactic Hangman intro screen

Galactic Hangman intro screen.
Galactic Hangman game screen #1 Galactic Hangman game screen #2
Galactic Hangman game screens.

Galactic Hangman is a graphical version of the very common word guessing game Hangman. It was sold in two versions; a 16K version and a 32K version (I believe the size of the built in word list increased in the 32K version - their adds mention 700 words). The game itself was written in BASIC, and it was encouraged that one could make their own wordlists (some suggestions were a child's spelling list or foreign language vocabulary). The game used animations, showing your character going up each step to the gallows if you guessed an incorrect letter. If you do get the word, it then kicks into a science fiction theme - a starship (that looks suspiciously like the USS Enterprise materializes over the planet, phasers and destroys the jail, and then energizes the transporter and teleports you back to the ship. Which I have to admit kept me playing the game longer than I would normally play a hangman game. The game even includes a "live play" demo mode inbetween games.

Title: Galactic Hangman

Author: Stephan Costanzo

Publisher: Sugar Software

Released: February 1983 (programmed in 1982)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM (16K RAM version was available), tape or disk.

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