Ice Hockey

Original Ice Hockey intro screen Ice Hockey intro screen
Ice Hockey intro screens - original Intellectronics, and later Computerware screens

Ice Hockey game screen

Ice Hockey game screen

Ice Hockey is a two player only version of hockey. Each team has two players (a defensemen, and a forward), and you have to try and score on the opposing team. You control whichever player is in the same zone that the puck is in, and you can try to steal the puck from your opponent. You can also pass the puck to your other player by firing it in the right direction. This game was originally released by Intellectronics in 1983 (authors of Dunkey Munkey and Starfire, but they folded soon afterwards, so Computerware ended up taking over the selling of the game.

Title: Ice Hockey

Author: Lou Fiorino

Publisher: Intellectronics (1983) and Computerware (1984)

Released: 1983 (Intellectronics) and 1984 (Computerware)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM, tape or disk, 2 joysticks.

Download This ZIP contains the DSK image of Lou Fiorinio's final version of the Intellectronics version of Ice Hockey with .TXT files of the source in the Cer-Comp asssembler format. It also includes that version of the game itself. LOADM"H":EXEC to run.

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