Kosmic Kamikaze

Kosmic Kamikaze intro screen #1

Kosmic Kamikaze intro screen 1.
Kosmic Kamikaze intro screen #2 Kosmic Kamikaze intro screen #3
Kosmic Kamikaze intro screens 2&3.
Kosmic Kamikaze game screen #1 Kosmic Kamikaze game screen #2
Kosmic Kamikaze game screens 1&2.
Kosmic Kamikaze game screen #3 Kosmic Kamikaze game screen #4
Kosmic Kamikaze game screens 3&4. Since the artifact colors don't matter, I have screenshots of both color sets.

Kosmic Kamikaze is one of the earliest games done by Illustrated Memory Banks (IMB) and one of the earlier Extended BASIC games that took advantage of controllable color artifacting. At the beginning of the game it offers to run at normal speed or use the infamous BASIC speed up POKE that causes the ROM's to run at 1.78 MHz, but didn't work on every Coco at the time (later this was stabilized at Tandy and all machines supported it). It also features 3 skill levels which is basically how many "turns" one gets to destroy a ship before they fire back. The game has very well done graphics and decent sound, however, like a lot of IMB's earlier games, it is too random to properly playable. Your opponent saucers can jump all over the screen at random, which basically means your hitting them is random as well. The game does feature multiple alien types, and there is also a large comet that will destroy your base (your shields are useless against it), and at least this opponent follows a path directly to your base making it easier to shoot at, although you don't have a lot of time to do so.

Title: Kosmic Kamikaze

Author: Fred Scerbo

Publisher: Illustrated Memory Banks

Released: October 1981

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM Extended BASIC, joystick, cassette or disk.

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