Laser Tank Duel

Laser Tank Duel intro screen Laser Tank Duel game screen #1
Laser Tank Duel intro screen & game screen #1

Laser Tank Duel game screen #2 Laser Tank Duel game screen #3
Laser Tank Duel intro screens #2 & 3

Laser Tank Duel is a 2 player only tank battle game... strangely enough with only keyboard controls. Because of this (and from when it was written), it pretty requires the Coco 1/2 keyboard layout (one player uses up/down arrows, Q, W and Z for movement and firing, and the 2nd player uses left/right arrows, P, ';' and '/' keys). The players have 4 way movement to go down the corridors and try to shoot each other. The game ends when the first player gets to 8 kills. Aside from the two players, there are also 8 absorption mines that float around (and sometimes stop); these can not harm either of the players (and can be driven through), but they will absorb the player's shots, stopping them before they hit the edge of the screen.

Title: Laser Tank Duel

Author: Larry Bank

Publisher: Renaissance Game Designs

Released: December 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM

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