Lost City, U.S.A.

Lost City, U.S.A. intro screen Lost City, U.S.A. game screen
Lost City, U.S.A. intro & game screens

Lost City, U.S.A. is a text adventure game where the player's mission is to escape from a small town. Written in BASIC, it has an older style text parser - only need the first two letters of each word, and with a very limited vocabulary. The players wanders down the streets in his car, and has to keep an eye on his gas as well as figuring out how to escape.

Title: Lost City, U.S.A.

Author: ???

Publisher: Software Unlimited

Released: May 1983 (1st ad Color Computer News May 1983)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk.

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