Maze Escape

Maze Escape intro screen #1 Maze Escape intro screen #2
Maze Escape intro screens.
Maze Escape game screen #1 Maze Escape game screen #2
Maze Escape game screens 1 & 2

Maze Escape is one of David Figge's first games released through Spectral Associates. It is a BASIC/ML hybrid (the text on the graphics screen is drawn with ML) where one has to escape from a 2 level 3D maze. Each level also has a ghost that you have to try and kill. The game also lets you choose between keyboard and joystick controls.

Title: Maze Escape

Author: David Figge

Publisher: Spectral Associates

Released: March 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, Extended BASIC, joystick optional.

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