Return of Junior's Revenge

Return of Junior's Revenge intro screen 1 Return of Junior's Revenge intro screen 2
Return of Junior's Revenge intro screens
Return of Junior's Revenge level 1 Return of Junior's Revenge level 2
Return of Junior's Revenge levels 1&2.
Return of Junior's Revenge level 3

Return of Junior's Revenge level 3 (NOTE: The level 4 screenshot will come later).

Return of Junior's Revenge is a remake of the original Junior's Revenge for the Coco 1/2, redone for the Coco 3's new graphics capabilities. Other than that, the game play is pretty much identical, which was, of course, based on the arcade hit Donkey Kong Jr. It features all 4 levels from the original arcade game.

This was one of the first commercial, non Radio Shack/Tandy games to be released for the Coco 3.

Title: Return of Junior's Revenge

Author: B.J. Chambless (?)

Publisher: Computerware

Released: 1986

Requires: Color Computer 3 ONLY, 128K RAM, tape or disk, joystick.

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