
Soooperpac intro screen Soooperpac intro screen alternate (pre-distribution?)
Soooperpac intro screens. The one on the right might be from a pre-distribution copy.
Soooperpac options screen #1 Soooperpac options screen #2
Soooperpac option screens.
Soooperpac game screen

Soooperpac game screen.

NOTE: I originally had this listed as Pac Jaws... but I found the original ad and review in Rainbow (and an alternative copy) that has the proper credits and name, so this entry has been renamed and a new intro screenshot has been added. The original may have been the "shop around for a distributor" version?

Soooper Pac is a very customizable game based on the arcade hit Pacman. It is a fairly close rendition of the arcade game (4 ghosts, power pellets, the tunnel, bonus fruits, etc.) but adds multiple screens of options that affect how the game plays. As you can see in the screenshots above, there are 3 different maze selections, selectable start levels, user selectable joystick or keyboard (W,A,S,Z) controls on the first options screen. The second options screen covers the gameplay itself, with selections as to how often the monster patterns change, how fast the game runs, and how long the ghosts remain blue.

The game has smaller (proportionally) graphics than the arcade, and the sound is much more minimal. But other than that it is fairly faithful in spirit to the arcade original.

Title: Soooper Pac (may have been called Jaws pre-distribution deal)

Author: Michael Freeman

Publisher: Bare Bones Software

Released: April 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk, joystick optional.

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