The Maze

The Maze intro screen #1 The Maze intro screen #2
The Maze intro screens 1 & 2

The Maze game screen #1 The Maze game screen #2
The Maze game screens 1 & 2

The Maze game screen #3
The Maze game screen 3

The Maze is a game from the Chromasette tape magnazine that is a hybrid of BASIC and ML. Played with the joystick, the premise is that the player is attempting to get through randomly generated mazes as fast as possible to the exit in the floor to the next level. Once 8 mazes are completed the game is over, and the player is shown how many seconds they took for each maze as well as their total time (obviously lower is better). The animated title screen, instructions, the in-between maze graphics showing which level the player is on and the final time summary screens are all in BASIC; the maze generation/drawing and playing through each maze is an assembly language subroutine cleverly hidden at the end of the BASIC program.

The player has 8 way directional control via the joystick to steer their small "=" (equal sign) character to the large white floor exit square. In addition the joystick button controls the players speed; regular speed (which makes it fairly easy to steer around corners), and a turbo speed when the button is held down (but makes steering precisely around corners quite difficult). So it becomes the players choice of accuracy vs. speed for each level. The placement of both the player and the floor exit is random each round as well, so it's never the same game twice.

The mazes are not super intricate so they won't tie most players up for any length of time; which is a good thing since the player has to do 8 of them to complete a game. Another great original title by the very prolific Andrew Pakerski.

Title: The Maze

Author: Andrew Pakerski

Publisher: Chromasette

Released: May 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk, joystick.

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