#: 8551 S6/Applications 02-Dec-90 19:05:41 Sb: #8142-#Overchoice - DOS world Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks Pete! Your advice (as always) was sound... I'm now using a Compaq 286 laptop to run the instrument under RS-232. It's slower than I'd like - but it gets the job done. You just can't beat those PC scale economies. Art There is 1 Reply. #: 8567 S6/Applications 03-Dec-90 08:47:17 Sb: #8551-#Overchoice - DOS world Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 (X) Art - Glad to hear you struck a good 'bahgin', and that it's doin what you need. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 8726 S6/Applications 13-Dec-90 22:25:28 Sb: #8567-#Overchoice - DOS world Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete! Yeah, but now I'm having problems with a mailing list. My sculptor program is overkill, and a dump to datamaster's list function ends up being too slow...Do you know of any neat filters to sort 4line addresses separated by a blank + . If I could sort this mess, I could eliminate the duplicate records When I tried to use DP Johnson's sort utility, I found out that it would not work in this fashion. I wish I knew Unix as well as you obviously do [grin]. Art There is 1 Reply. #: 8735 S6/Applications 14-Dec-90 09:01:23 Sb: #8726-#Overchoice - DOS world Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Art Doyle 71565,262 (X) Art - Whenever I find a small job that unix/os9 tools just won't do, I usually write a small (C) program for the situation. A friend prefers shell scripts. Have you considered cobbling a small B09 program to do the job for you? Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 8772 S6/Applications 15-Dec-90 22:29:19 Sb: #8735-Overchoice - DOS world Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) About 12 years ago, I wrote a primitive Basic bubble sort while in college.[grin]. These days, I'll go as far as messing around with databases for import/export purposes. No, I'm afraid that you folks that propduce these Unix tools have spoiled me. Btw, what's going on these days on the Sig? The message counter creeps slowly, being offered in the magazines. Art #: 8587 S6/Applications 04-Dec-90 07:46:51 Sb: banner.ar unzipping Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: aaron gergye 76264,1500 (X) Aaron, Any file extended with a .ar needs the OS9 specific utility AR. Arc-e.com is a PC utility and will not work on .ar files. Steve #: 8627 S6/Applications 07-Dec-90 06:32:50 Sb: cron Fm: Tom Napolitano 70215,1130 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Bill, Thanks, I'll take a look. tom PS Was that cc or cron you were responding to? Nevermind, I'll look for both. #: 9570 S6/Applications 20-Feb-91 00:39:41 Sb: #SDISK3 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: all Does anybody use SDISK3. I am having some problems with it. DP Johnson wasn't able to help me. TC There are 2 Replies. #: 9575 S6/Applications 20-Feb-91 19:34:17 Sb: #9570-#SDISK3 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) I use sdisk3, with a Sardis Tech DMC controller. Please describe the problems you're having. There is 1 Reply. #: 9584 S6/Applications 21-Feb-91 20:59:36 Sb: #9575-#SDISK3 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) When I try to read any floppies, I get numerous errors. I know the drives are ok because when I use cc3disk I don't get any errors. The errors I get are 244, 243, etc. Aas well as when I try to do a cd to /d0, it (my shell prompt) tells me I am still on my hard disk. I didn't do the normall installation beacause when they prompt you to insert your system disk, I got error 216, and I wasn't sure of what they were looking for. Also I dint boot off my original disk (0s9 master) like the docs said because I have patched a lot of modules to get where I am today. Yea, I know that may be the trouble, but the man at Granit Computers (who sold me sdisk3) said If I knew how to update my bootfile (i used ezgen, great program) it should be ok. DOo you know if the device desccriptors need to be tweeked ? I have 2 dsdd 40 track floppies, and used descgenl2 to create them. By the way, the modbuster program doesn't seem to work like it used to. I used to be able to split merged files apart using it, but now it deletes all the files except the one I named on the command line (modbuster shell). The only thing left was shell, and there were no utilities merged with it. Do you know of any other ways to split up merged files ? I even called DP johnson and he suggested rearranging my boot file order. That was disproved a while ago by Kevin or somebody , right ? Besides If not, where do I need to position the sdisk driver in the bootfile ? It had something to do with the beginning of an 8k block. Chris Burke knows this stuff pretty good, but I'v bugged him to many times as it is for other peoples problems (naminlgy disto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Thanx 4 da help. TC There is 1 Reply. #: 9587 S6/Applications 21-Feb-91 21:41:17 Sb: #9584-SDISK3 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) Device descriptors suitable for cc3disk won't work with sdisk3, of course, but you say that you used descgenl2 to create descriptors, so I wouldn't think that should be the problem. Not having used modbuster, I don't know what to tell you about that. Kevin Darling has, I think, demonstrated that the bootfile order problem is a hardware problem, not an OS-9 problem, but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious if your hardware has the problem. Grab the file that he put up that talks about it--I think it has recommendations, and I don't remember the stuff that is suggested for folks who have the problem. #: 9616 S6/Applications 24-Feb-91 00:08:10 Sb: #9570-#SDISK3 Fm: W K Riess 71071,3002 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) The problem is definately with the boot order bug. Simply make Sdisk3 the second module in your boot file followed by the device descriptors (/D0, etc.). I used to have the some problem setting up boot disks for others, and this has provided a solution is every case. I use the Sardis Technologies no-hault controller, and I find that I can boot up with any order I care to use. It seems that the boot order bug only exists on the hault type controllers. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 9627 S6/Applications 26-Feb-91 00:14:46 Sb: #9616-SDISK3 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: W K Riess 71071,3002 Bill I have an SCII and you are telling me it's a boot order bug, but at the same time you say that the boot order bug only happens on halt type controllers. I'm confused, but I'll try using your info on putting sdisk3 as the second module. I used to have the boot problem years ago before I bough my SCII or sdisk3. Once I got that fixed I haven't had a boot problem even with all the patches that are out there. Now I buy one driver, put it in my boot file and can't hardly access my floppies. Talk about recurring problems. I'll let you know waht happens. Thanx TC #: 9585 S6/Applications 21-Feb-91 21:07:59 Sb: Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: 76176,1216 Brian I would like to say again that pbook11 is a great program. (keep your eyes open on your mailbox) I left a mesage on your bbs, but I discoverd another problem after I hung up. If I try to dial a # that is not in my area code, the program does not send a 1 before the area code. I found this out by dumb luck because I had osterm running in another window, and for some reason all the dialer strings your program sent out were echoed into osterm, as well as going to the modem. Neat way of debugging ! Im positive that the location was set for long distance I assumed that this is what would insert a 1 or not. Anyway, it's a great way of keeping necessary info consolidated. It would be nice to be able to edit certain unused fields to contain more comments like a handle for delphi, and user Id for cis. Whenever I try to edit he comment field the old data gets overwritten. THANX. Ive been looking for this program for a long time. TC #: 9656 S6/Applications 01-Mar-91 18:38:51 Sb: #Unit Help Fm: JC Hoit 73127,2213 To: 76703,4230 (X) I just downloaded UNIT.AR. Seems it only wants to run under a VDG 32-column screen. However, the menus are set up for a larger screen. What's the deal here? There are 2 Replies. #: 9659 S6/Applications 01-Mar-91 21:30:54 Sb: #9656-#Unit Help Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: JC Hoit 73127,2213 (X) I doubt it's wired to a 32 character screen.... It was ported from Unix onto a Gimix 6809 system..... Why don't we start with some symptoms? Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9684 S6/Applications 04-Mar-91 22:10:34 Sb: #9659-Unit Help Fm: JC Hoit 73127,2213 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) It definitely isn't wired for 32 column. It runs there but doesn't fit. I think Bob may have a handle on the problem (msg.#9676) and I am going to try his suggestion. The main symptom (as Bob mentioned) is that the screen just simply doesn't show up. If I press the proper keys in response to the program's menu, things happen but no characters ever show up. Thanks bunches, -John- #: 9676 S6/Applications 03-Mar-91 20:59:36 Sb: #9656-#Unit Help Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: JC Hoit 73127,2213 (X) I recall the same problem with UNIT a long time ago. As I recall was real simple to fix...the program has a string to clear the screen and the CoCo doesn't like it. Just change the string to a 0x0c and all should work fine. \ex post There is 1 Reply. #: 9685 S6/Applications 04-Mar-91 22:12:12 Sb: #9676-Unit Help Fm: JC Hoit 73127,2213 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I think you have something there! Will give it a try. Looks like a very useful program. -John- #: 9703 S6/Applications 06-Mar-91 12:44:40 Sb: #9585-#Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) Got your check the other day.. thanks! (Will send you a registered copy as soon as I can find a proper envelope..) Edit the modem prefix and add a 1 to the end for long-distance numbers. The 1 is not added automatically to accomodate calling cards, etc. (You're the third person to register PBook.. nice to know people are enjoying the program.) There is 1 Reply. #: 9852 S6/Applications 17-Mar-91 23:19:47 Sb: #9703-Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 Brian I just finished calling your BBS before I logged into CIS. I forgot that I left you this message here. Disregard the meesage on your BBS, as it is a duplicate of the message I left you here. What is different about the registered copy of Pbook ? Aare there more features, or is it just official. Any chance of sneding me the source so I can customize my version ? Tony #: 9937 S6/Applications 24-Mar-91 12:24:08 Sb: #9852-#Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) The registered version is just official.. nothing different ('cept the Info screen doesn't have the sales pitch anymore ). Source code.. hmm.. well, I suppose I could.. it _is_ freeware, and I'm not trying to make money off it (the $10 "registration" was more of a convenience for people not wanting to download it, tho it has managed to put an extra $40 in my pocket..) If there is enough demand for it I suppose I could upload the source. (Anyone?) There is 1 Reply. #: 10020 S6/Applications 27-Mar-91 23:53:12 Sb: #9937-#Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 (X) Brian I would like to modify the source so it inserts a 1 whwnever the call is registered as long distance. I would also like to modify the dailer strings. For some reason when I do the sort by name, the entries don't seem to get sorted. I type in last name, comma, space, first name for ALL name entries. But still it doesn't seem to sort them alphabetically. Maybe I shoule try lastname_firstname ?? Even if you don't upload the source, could I send you a disk and psotage to send it to me ? Thanx TC There is 1 Reply. #: 10057 S6/Applications 30-Mar-91 12:36:18 Sb: #10020-#Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) Hehe.. PBook seems to be too smart for your own good. You're supposed to type in names as Firstname Last, ie Brian Stretch. PBook is smart enough to sort alphabetically by the LAST WORD in the name string. If you type Lastname, First, you'll be sorting by first names. You can already modify the dialer strings.. modem prefix and postfix can be changed for each entry. That help? There is 1 Reply. #: 10105 S6/Applications 03-Apr-91 22:55:58 Sb: #10057-Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 Your right. It was too smart for me. I'll have to reenter all the names over. Neat idea on your @art. I would like the dialer strings to be the same for all the entries, so I don't have to enter them each time. If i do it once why should I do it every time ? Waste of my time. There are other things I would like to change to, but I need the source code. What do you say Brian ???????? TC #: 10160 S6/Applications 07-Apr-91 23:05:41 Sb: #Dynacalc Patches Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: all Does anyone know where on this forum library where I can find a patch for Dynacalc so that I can use a Televideo terminal? I think there is suppose to be some patches somewhere here that modifies the file dynacalc.trm. Please let me know if you know where it is. Thank you. Bert Scheider There is 1 Reply. #: 10171 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 15:36:51 Sb: #10160-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Bert - I used to use the SS-50 version of Dynacalc on the Gimix. It was able to use various .trm files for different terminals. We tried moving some of the .trm files to coco3's for use with attached terminals - no luck when using the Radio Shack version of Dynacalc. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10176 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 20:31:15 Sb: #10171-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I seem to recall hearing about a .trm mod here on CIS about a year ago. It's no big deal, but since I have a Televideo terminal, it would be neat to be able to do spreadsheets on it. I can do word processing on it with Stylo. Thanks any way! (o) (o) U \___/ Bert Schneider There is 1 Reply. #: 10183 S6/Applications 09-Apr-91 08:56:32 Sb: #10176-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Bert - That was probably the ANSI.TRM or VT100.TRM I uploaded for Steve Wegert to try on his coco's remote terminal. No go. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10201 S6/Applications 10-Apr-91 22:21:11 Sb: #10183-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Oh well, I guess if I knew what the codes were I could just make my own. No time for that however! Thanks There is 1 Reply. #: 10235 S6/Applications 13-Apr-91 10:36:35 Sb: #10201-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Bert, you might want to drop a note to Brett Wynkoop. I seem to recall he has discected the .trm file and might be able to shed some light. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10249 S6/Applications 13-Apr-91 21:28:07 Sb: #10235-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks! You don't happen to have his CIS account number (user no.) so I could send him a message? Or does he have a Delphi Account? (o) (o) U \___/ Bert Schneider There is 1 Reply. #: 10258 S6/Applications 14-Apr-91 12:46:12 Sb: #10249-#Dynacalc Patches Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Bert, Brett's all over these days. He can be reached here at [72057,3720]. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10267 S6/Applications 14-Apr-91 20:21:55 Sb: #10258-Dynacalc Patches Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks, I'll try to get ahold of him!!! (o) (o) U \___/ Bert #: 10162 S6/Applications 07-Apr-91 23:17:08 Sb: #Driver Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: 72300,1433 (X) Mike! How are you doing? I now have a CIS account! I finnally got my hard drive working again after months of pulling teeth with Owl-Ware. I now have my money back (after 4 or 5 months dealing with those folks!). And I now use the Burke&Burke interface. Works great! Anyway, could I get you to send me that driver again for the Rainbow NX-1000 for MVCanvas? It was lost with everything else on my hard drive. I had to re-build everything from scratch. Even my Mandelbrot program (which is almost done now, I would have had it ready for last Christmas if my controller didn't crap out on me). Take care. Bert There are 2 Replies. #: 10163 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 01:28:55 Sb: #10162-#Driver Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Yay!!! Glad to see you again ;-). kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10174 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 20:26:48 Sb: #10163-Driver Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) This is neat! Paul said he's not ready for the Linus R&D project at this time. Maybe another time. I should have a system here any day! Keep me posted about when you plan on coming out to the Springs! (o) (o) U \___/ Bert Schneider #: 10165 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 04:22:20 Sb: #10162-#Driver Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) Good to see you on CIS! I'd love to see you mandelbrot program when its done. (If you'd like I can port it over to the MM/1 too! - If it's in C). Glad you got your HD woes finally settled. Mike PS The color prtdmp is in you mail box. If you need help figuring out how to DL the thing, just holler. There is 1 Reply. #: 10175 S6/Applications 08-Apr-91 20:29:22 Sb: #10165-#Driver Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Thanks!!! I'll try and port it to the MM/1 first. All I have to code is my alter palette routine and my change parameters routine and Version 1.0 will be ready to send out. I may go to Second City Software. I'll send a copy to Ed and see if he is interested. If not, maybe someone else will. If you would like an advanced copy with all of the files, I'll be glad to send it to you. I use .vef file formats. (o) (o) U \___/ Bert Schneider There is 1 Reply. #: 10182 S6/Applications 09-Apr-91 05:20:19 Sb: #10175-#Driver Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) You KNOW that I'd love to see it! (And play with it some. ) You going to the Fest? I'll be there, Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 10200 S6/Applications 10-Apr-91 22:20:13 Sb: #10182-Driver Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike - I don't have time or money right now to go. If they ever have one out here in Colorado, then I'll go. Right now I have a lot of work here at the Academy to do and I'm teaching part time at night (to help pay off some plastic!! $30/hr!!) Bert #: 10280 S6/Applications 15-Apr-91 15:53:36 Sb: #10105-Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 Hmm.. how'd I work the defaults.. didn't I make it so that if you enter nothing for strings (like modem prefix/postfix) it assumes the default you entered in record #1 (your personal info)? Hope I did.. #: 10626 S6/Applications 08-May-91 21:25:54 Sb: #Dynacalc with terminal Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: 76703,4230 (X) Do you know of any patches to the dynacalc.trm file that will allow me to use a Televideo terminal with Dynacalc running on the Color Computer 3 with OS-9 Level II? Bert Schneider There is 1 Reply. #: 10628 S6/Applications 09-May-91 01:39:54 Sb: #10626-#Dynacalc with terminal Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bert Schneider 70244,427 (X) BBert - Haven't we done this dance once already? I told you that I had developed some .trm files using the utilities supplied with the standard version of Dynacalc (I ran it on a SS50 Gimix system), but that the coco version's trm files were of a different layout. On the 'bright' side... If you can get hold of a standard version of dynacalc, it will run on a coco , and you could use the standard terminal definition utilities. Why not contact FHL... I'll betcha he's not selling too many 6809 standard Dynacalcs these days, and might be willing to wheel and deal. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10681 S6/Applications 15-May-91 18:11:44 Sb: #10628-Dynacalc with terminal Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks! I think I'll try that. It would be nice to be able to use my terminal for that purpose. I don't think we talked about this before, but then again, maybe we did. Anyway, thank you and take care. (o) (o) U \___/ Bert #: 10902 S6/Applications 02-Jun-91 09:54:01 Sb: #Home Librarian Wanted Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: anyone I am looking for a simple home librarian program. I have alot of books and tapes (audio and video), which I would like to catalog. I guess I could write a simple database-like program, but if someone has already done this it would save me the effort. I've already scanned the libraries and did not find anything usefull. Oh, I'm running OS-9/68K (Force CPU-30). Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 10924 S6/Applications 03-Jun-91 19:04:02 Sb: #10902-#Home Librarian Wanted Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) I tried BRO'sing the different libs and didn't come up with anything. You might want to see if there's something in the UNIXFORUM. I've found that much of there stuff ports easily. I'll keep my eyes open for ya too! Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 10946 S6/Applications 04-Jun-91 18:26:10 Sb: #10924-Home Librarian Wanted Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) I'd already did some BRO'sing myself before I entered my message. I've already checked the UNIX libraries on BIX. (I have not yet checked comp.sources.??? on the InterNet yet - haven't had time at work...) Robert #: 11348 S6/Applications 11-Jul-91 21:45:13 Sb: Database Editor Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: all Hi! Do any of you have suggestions for a very usable "editor" to use with the "data" ASCII sequencial file that seems to be present in almost all conventional databases? I have been using datamaster for a rather large mailing list, and it is beginning to crash from overload. The loss of the "paradox style, on the fly" record change would hurt. How can I use an editor to edit Sculptor data? Art #: 11368 S6/Applications 14-Jul-91 01:09:48 Sb: Datamaster Blues Fm: Art Doyle 71565,262 To: ALL Hi! I have one of those strange mailing list applications where only the free form spreadsheet data editing features of datamaster have proved adequate. Unfortunately, I seem to have uncovered a bug in the program which prevents it's use with a file of over 1000 records (24K), since it insists on crashing with complete window lockup. I have tried experiments with known clean files, and in every case, I can induce this problem when I get to the stated limits. Since I have tried unsuccessfully on at least three separate occasions to buy the latest copy of datamaster from Computerware, I am left with migration to another program or possibly another platform to perform my tasks. Other possibilities might include breaking the files up by using separate windows or by indexing with profile's??? sorter. In the past few years, I have purchased and put aside Sculptor, data-windows and Van der Poels mailing list program as unsuitable. Datawindows may not be the greatest filer out there, but it does perform this function well. If any of you have the newer version of datamaster (1.01), and are not in need of it, I would like to purchase it for full price. Alternately, if one of you could prevail on Mr. Paul (Serby?) to sell me a copy it would be much appreciated. As you have probably surmised, my copy of datamaster was not purchased. It was acquired ONLY after Computerware refused to sell it to me 3 times. It is the only piece of software which I have ever obtained in this way. Unfortunately, even this fact did not sway Computerware. After selling me the other programs to interact with this code, they blocked completion of my system. I don't know why Computerware became so embittered on this market, but hopefully time has softened Mr. Serby's stance. Suggestions? Art Doyle 817 283 8380 #: 11669 S6/Applications 07-Aug-91 19:44:20 Sb: X10 (it lives!) Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Ever sine I told people on Delphi how I've been using your X10 software to run my X10 computer interface (recently acquired), there has been a great response and they're asking if you will allow me to post the software on Delphi. So what do you say? Can I do it? -================================================================== Hugo Bueno | Delphi: MRGOOD Compuserve: 71211,3662 Fanwood, NJ |Internet:hugo%bluehaus@kc2wz.bubble.org CoCo 3 UUCP | UUCP:...!uunet!bluehaus!hugo ================================================================== #: 11693 S6/Applications 09-Aug-91 21:34:07 Sb: B&B's R.S.B. Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: ALL Is anyone out here using Burke & Burke's RSB? What exactly does it do? Could I use it to run DECB programs under a OS-9 window (after DOSOR9ing them)? Just how good a program is this anyway; I know *very* little about it but I may very well find it useful. #: 11808 S6/Applications 16-Aug-91 17:45:14 Sb: swiise Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: 72177,1762 (X) re re 1-6 type list ? Do you have the edit info for sidewise to use an OKI 293 printer I have been running a Tandy DMP200- no problem. The Oki commands in the Swise.b09 filwill not work on THhe OKI 293 which I run from a parallel interface becausatible printer #: 11809 S6/Applications 16-Aug-91 17:59:52 Sb: #SWISE Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: 72177,1762 (X) MESSAGE 11808 WAS GARBLED. THE OKI 293 IS AN IBM COMPATIBLE PRINTER WHICH I RUN WITH A PARALLEL INTERFACE There is 1 Rep86S/piais 21-Aug-91 21:39:25 Sb: #11809-SWISE Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: Chuck Watters 70115,536 Did I miss something? Not sure to whom you intended that message to go, but it makes little sense to me. I'll take a look at 11808 later and see what I can make of it. #: 11874 S6/Applications 21-Aug-91 19:15:48 Sb: #x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall Hi Pete--Does your x10 software run the tandy plug n power?? There are 2 Replies. #: 11882 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 05:18:03 Sb: #11874-#x10 Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Phil, The X10 software does not work with either of the tandy versions, it works with the serial version only. Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11888 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 18:27:56 Sb: #11882-x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Hi Bill -- Only the X10 like in Crutchfields??? #: 11887 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 15:56:13 Sb: #11874-#x10 Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Pil - (oops... PHIL) The Tandy unit is connected to the cassette port, which is unfortunately nearly impossible to use under os9 (at least for non-babysitting input). You'll need the X10 plug & power serial version (CP-290?) sold at Egghead Software attached to a serial port. Figure ballpark $50-60. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 11889 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 18:30:49 Sb: #11887-#x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete--Is that the one that's sold at Crutchfields too?? By the way, is it ok to put your software on Delphi?? Many folks are asking. There is 1 Reply. #: 11890 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 19:10:48 Sb: #11889-x10 Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 Phil - Dunno what a Crutchfield's is.... if it works on the IBM, probably. Sure (re: Delphi).... someone was supposed to do that already though. Might have been Hugo Bueno? Pete #: 11893 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 21:10:14 Sb: #11887-x10 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) FYI Pete .... it's also available online here at HEATH. Look under the Home Automation section. There prices on the modules are also better than the Shacks. Steve #: 11909 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 18:12:26 Sb: #11888-#x10 Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Yes, only the serial X10 (like in Crutchfields, Heath Online used to sell it too) Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11938 S6/Applications 25-Aug-91 14:26:52 Sb: #11909-x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Thanks for the reply Bill #: 11907 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 17:18:40 Sb: #11890-x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks Pete--Crutchfields is a discount mailorder place and they advertise x10 s for IBM and Apple. Hugo said he was going to ask you but I never heard. Thanks a lot Pete! #: 11910 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 18:14:04 Sb: #11890-x10 Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, FYI, Hugo uploaded the X10 stuff to Delphi as soon as you told him it was OK to do so. Bill #: 12006 S6/Applications 28-Aug-91 18:58:55 Sb: #Delete some files Fm: John Semler 70324,633 To: sysop (X) Please delete the file sc68[73107,507] from data library 6. I no longer own that account number so I can't delete it myself. As you probalbly know, I uploaded new files under the account number 70324,633. Thanks - John -5s/probalbly/probably/ There is 1 Reply. #: 12007 S6/Applications 28-Aug-91 20:49:50 Sb: #12006-Delete some files Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: John Semler 70324,633 (X) OK John, we'll take care of it. #: 12104 S6/Applications 06-Sep-91 20:13:26 Sb: GLABEL Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: 74126,2736 JONATHAN: I HAVE A NEW PRINTER AND TRIED TO HACK THE BASIC09 FILE OF GLABEL BECAUSE I NEED 5 BYTES TO PROGRAM SOME OF THE FONTS ON MY PRINTER. WHEN I TRIED TO RUN GLABEL FROM BASIC09 IT WOULDN'T RUN. I THEN NOTICED THAT IT CALLS A FILE NAMED "MV_SUBS". THE TITLE IS SHOWN IN THE ARCHIVED FILE, BUT THERE IS NO FILE. I THOUGHT MAYBE MY ORIGINAL DOWNLOAD WAS SCREWED UP BECAUSE MY HARD DISK CRASHED SOME TIME AGO, SO I DOWNLOADED GLABEL.AR AGAIN. STILL NOTHING EXCEPT THE TITLE. CAN YOU UPLOAD OR HELP ME TO PROGRAM PRT_DRV.LBL TO ACCOMMODATE THE 5 BYTES MY NEW OKI-293 NEEDS. #: 12632 S6/Applications 16-Oct-91 23:24:04 Sb: Deskmate Dump Fm: Jason Leinen 76665,1627 To: all Please help me. I am at the end of my rope with Deskmate. Could someone please tell me what I have to do to download. What I do, is when Compuserve prompts me to initiate transfer, I select "receive file" from the file menu in the terminal mode. However for some reason I still do not get anything. What am I doing wrong?? ThankQ very much, Jason Leinen (I apoligize if this is one of thos ALWAYS asked ) #: 12675 S6/Applications 22-Oct-91 22:08:04 Sb: #12104-GLABEL Fm: Jonathan C. Cluts 74126,2736 To: Chuck Watters 70115,536 Sorry, But I no longer have a Color Computer with OS9. I am fairly sure that glabel was a hack of some work done by Kevin Darling. So you might look there. Jonathan (ps. Good idea to send me email, I don't regularly check in here anymore...)