Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Richard Wallace WINCHELL and Hilda May WOOD
Husband: Richard Wallace WINCHELLBorn: on 14 Feb. 1882 in Indiana, USABaptized: Married: in 1914 in South Dakota, USADied: in 1947 in Spirit River, Alberta, CanadaBuried: in Spirit River Community Cemetery, Spirit River, Alberta, CanadaHis Father: Niram L. WINCHELLHis Mother: Nancy J. PARKSNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
Wife: Hilda May WOODBorn: in 1895 in Wisconsin, USABaptized: Died: in April 1966 in Pleasantview Lodge, Spirit River, Alberta, CanadaBuried: in White Mountain Cemetery, Spirit River, Alberta, CanadaHer Father: John WOODHer Mother: Jane KENDALLHer Second Husband: George Alvin “Shorty” BOYLENotes Pedigree Descendants Images
1 Dau: Lylia R. WINCHELLBorn: about 1915 in South Dakota, USABaptized: Died: in 1928Buried: Pedigree
2 Dau: Lenice J. WINCHELLBorn: about 1918 in South Dakota, USABaptized: Died: Buried: Notes Pedigree
3 Son: Nirum WINCHELLBorn: on 24 Oct. 1918 in South Dakota, USABaptized: Died: on 15 April 1999Buried: in Spirit River Cemetery, Spirit River, Alberta, CanadaNotes Pedigree