Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Frederick Charles “Fred” STOREY and Emily Kathleen BARNETT
Husband: Frederick Charles “Fred” STOREYBorn: on 30 July 1894 in Manitou, Manitoba, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 10 Sep. 1929 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaDied: on 12 Sep. 1976 in Chilliwack General Hospital, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaBuried: on 15 Sep. 1976 in Oddfellows Cemetery, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaHis Father: John STORYHis Mother: Juliette or Julia SWANSONNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
Wife: Emily Kathleen BARNETTBorn: on 27 Jan. 1895 in Bristol, EnglandBaptized: Died: on 2 Feb. 1977 in Chilliwack General Hospital, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaBuried: on 5 Feb. 1977 in Anglican Cemetery, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaHer Father: John BARNETTHer Mother: Ruth WILLIAMSNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
1 Son: John Frederick Charles STOREYBorn: on 14 Oct. 1930Baptized: Died: on 20 April 2006 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaBuried: in Chilliwack Cemeteries, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaHis Wife: Anna Marie “Marie” ERHOPedigree Descendants Images
2 Son: Andrew Fraser STOREYBorn: on 8 Sep. 1932Baptized: Died: on 16 March 1977 in Chilliwack General Hospital, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaBuried: on 18 March 1977 in Oddfellows Cemetery, Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaHis Wife: Gail Patricia Anne ALLENNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
3 Dau: Dorothy Evelyn Mary STOREYBorn: in Chilliwack, British Columbia, CanadaBaptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: KRAUSENotes Pedigree Descendants