Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Thomas Henry “Harry” WARD and Florence Elizabeth SUTERA
Husband: Thomas Henry “Harry” WARDBorn: in Deer Park, Washington, USABaptized: Married: on 16 April 1955 in Springfield, New Jersey, USADied:Buried: His Father: Benjamin Vessey WARDHis Mother: Evelyn Verena NESBITTNotes Pedigree Descendants
Wife: Florence Elizabeth SUTERABorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Father: Pasquale SUTERAHer Mother: Maria FRESCAPedigree Descendants
1 Son: Jeffrey Thomas WARDBorn: in Summit, Essex County, New Jersey, USABaptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Margaret “Meg” ROLLIERNotes Pedigree Descendants
2 Dau: Bonnie Sue WARDBorn: in Summit, Essex County, New Jersey, USABaptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Ralph PERNESIGLIONotes Pedigree
3 Son: Gerald Brian WARDBorn: in Summit, Essex County, New Jersey, USABaptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Lois COVELLNotes Pedigree Descendants