Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Andrew Julius JOHNSON and Milva Jane BRADEN
Husband: Andrew Julius JOHNSONBorn: Baptized: Married: on 17 Feb. 1914Died: Buried: His Father:His Mother:Descendants
Wife: Milva Jane BRADENBorn: on 7 April 1896 in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USABaptized: Died: on 6 Aug. 1978 in Grand Forks, North Dakota, USABuried: Her Father: Luther Newton “Loo” BRADENHer Mother: Mary Ann SANDERSHer First Husband: Martin SWENSONPedigree Descendants
1 Son: Laurence Alton JOHNSONBorn: on 13 Sep. 1914 in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USABaptized: Died: on 12 Dec. 1978 in Norwalk, California, USABuried: His First Wife: Bernice I. BOLSTADHis Second Wife: Dorothy MABRYPedigree Descendants
2 Son: Glen Armond JOHNSONBorn: on 17 Aug. 1916 in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USABaptized: Died: Buried: His Wife: Bernice THOMPSONPedigree Descendants
3 Dau: Lorraine Addlaide JOHNSONBorn: on 21 July 1920 in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USABaptized: Died: Buried: Her Husband: Lee SELNESPedigree Descendants
4 Son: Aldon Jerrol JOHNSONBorn: in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USABaptized: Died:Buried: His First Wife: Rose KRESLHis Second Wife: Audrel HOLTHUSENPedigree Descendants