Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Joe PATTERSON and Darnelle BAHNIUK
Husband: Joe PATTERSONBorn: in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaBaptized: Married: Not MarriedDied:Buried: His Father: James PATTERSONHis Mother: Joan Louise CAIRNSPedigree Descendants
Wife: Darnelle BAHNIUKBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Father:Her Mother:Descendants
1 Son: Xavier PATTERSONBorn: in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaBaptized: Died:Buried: Pedigree
2 Dau: Cecilia PATTERSONBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Pedigree
3 Dau: Kairie PATTERSONBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Pedigree