Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for William Stanley “Willy” DAVIS and Myrtle Louise ADRAIN
Husband: William Stanley “Willy” DAVISBorn: on 18 Sep. 1893 in Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 3 Dec. 1929Died: on 19 Feb. 1967Buried: in Emanuel Church, Maple Leaf, Ontario, CanadaHis Father: George DAVISHis Mother: Elizabeth Eliza “Eliza” BOYLEHis First Wife: Iva Pearl BURLANYETTNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
Wife: Myrtle Louise ADRAINBorn: on 22 Dec. 1909Baptized: Died: on 5 Feb. 1995 in Claire, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in Emmanuel United Cemetery, Monteagle Township, Ontario, CanadaHer Father: David ADRAINHer Mother: Elizabeth BURROWSNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
1 Son: George Erie DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Viola Rosemary LAFEEPedigree
2 Son: Stanley Gifford “Gifford” DAVISBorn: on 10 June 1931Baptized: Died: on 1 July 1987 in Maple Leaf, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Barbara E. MCLEANNotes Pedigree Descendants
3 Son: Gary Wayne DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Victoria Ann ADAMSNotes Pedigree Descendants
4 Son: Burford “Bert” DAVISBorn: on 18 April 1934Baptized: Died: on 30 Aug. 1990Buried: in Emmanuel United Cemetery, Monteagle Township, Ontario, CanadaHis Wife: B. Ellen “Ellen” MCGREGORPedigree Descendants Images
5 Son: Tracey Harold DAVISBorn: on 14 Oct. 1936Baptized: Died: in April 2003Buried: His Wife: Shirley CASSELMANPedigree Descendants
6 Dau: Arlene Elizabeth DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Ronald KOSSNotes Pedigree Descendants
7 Son: Carl Bruce “Bruce” DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Ethel Annociata DUPUISPedigree Descendants
8 Son: David Murray “Murray” DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Alice LINKIENotes Pedigree Descendants
9 Son: Bernard Craig “Bun” DAVISBorn: in Bancroft, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Margaret MURRAYNotes Pedigree Descendants
10 Son: William Dean DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Lorraine Maxine HOLMESPedigree Descendants
11 Dau: Janice Lorraine DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: Harry SCOTTNotes Pedigree Descendants
12 Son: Danny Guy DAVISBorn: Baptized: Died:Buried: His Wife: Darla Ann CASSELMANNotes Pedigree Descendants