Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for John Alfred “Alfred” CHINN and Lydia M. LUCHTERHANDT
Husband: John Alfred “Alfred” CHINNBorn: on 24 Dec. 1896 in Oakley, Kansas, USABaptized: Married: Died: on 16 Dec. 1966Buried: in Palm Memorial, Henderson, Nevada, USAHis Father: Charles Anderson CHINNHis Mother: Minnie Mae HYSKILLPedigree Descendants
Wife: Lydia M. LUCHTERHANDTBorn: on 5 July 1894 in Tilden Township, Iowa, USABaptized: Died: on 4 June 1973 in Las Vegas Convalescent Hospital, Las Vegas, Nevada, USABuried: in Palm Memorial, Henderson, Nevada, USAHer Father: Rudolph Frederick LUCHTERHANDTHer Mother: Helena Emelia Bertha RUBBERTNotes Pedigree Descendants
1 Dau: Leona CHINNBorn: about 1917 in 6 miles south of Marcus, Iowa, USABaptized: Died: between 1980 and 1985Buried: in Henderson, Nevada, USAHer Husband: WHITEPedigree
2 Dau: Margaret Helen CHINNBorn: in Marcus, Iowa, USABaptized: Died:Buried: Her First Husband: Joseph John SCHMITZHer Second Husband: BLAKELYPedigree Descendants
3 Dau: Lorraine CHINNBorn: in Marcus, Iowa, USABaptized: Died: Buried: Her Husband: Bill GRAYPedigree
4 Son: Orville CHINNBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Pedigree