Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for George WHITE and Stella SIGURDSON
Husband: George WHITEBorn: Baptized: Married: Died: Buried: His Father:His Mother:Descendants
Wife: Stella SIGURDSONBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Her Father:Her Mother:Descendants
1 Dau: Flora Rebecca WHITEBorn: on 28 Feb. 1920 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 29 Jan. 2012 in Tabor Home, Morden, Manitoba, CanadaBuried: in Darlingford Cemetery, Darlingford, Manitoba, CanadaHer Husband: William Alexander Loyde “Loyde” LOWRYNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
2 Dau: Eunice WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Her Husband: MCFEEPedigree
3 Dau: Betty WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Her Husband: MCKENTYPedigree
4 Dau: Mary WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Her Husband: PROUGHPedigree
5 Dau: Ester WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: DeceasedBuried: Pedigree
6 Son: Bill WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: DeceasedBuried: Pedigree
7 Son: Bruce WHITEBorn: Baptized: Died: DeceasedBuried: Pedigree