Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for James Alfred STUBBS and Mary GOODWIN
Husband: James Alfred STUBBSBorn: Baptized: Married: Died: Buried: His Father:His Mother:Descendants
Wife: Mary GOODWINBorn: Baptized: Died: Buried: Her Father:Her Mother:Descendants
1 Dau: Beatrice Maud “Maud” STUBBSBorn: on 12 April 1892 in Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 19 Feb. 1934 in Radcliffe, Ontario, CanadaBuried: on 22 Feb. 1934 in St. Paul’s Cemetery, Combermere, Ontario, CanadaHer Husband: Edward Bailey “Bailey” ADRAINNotes Pedigree Descendants