Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for Clarence Christain ZIESKE and Catherine MOCKO

Husband: Clarence Christain ZIESKEBorn: on 25 March 1908 in Heil, North Dakota, USABaptized: Married: Died: on 27 May 1975 in Sunnyside, Washington, USABuried: in Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Washington, USAHis Father: Herman Henry ZIESKEHis Mother: Hilma ANDERSONPedigree Descendants
Wife: Catherine MOCKOBorn: on 24 June 1907 in Chicago, Illinois, USABaptized: Died: on 7 July 2003 in Sunnyside, Washington, USABuried: in Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Washington, USAHer Father: Paul MOCKOHer Mother: Elizabeth MIRDTJKPedigree Descendants
1 Son: Clarence Paul ZIESKEBorn: on 11 Feb. 1928 in Heil, North Dakota, USABaptized: Died: on 28 Feb. 2003 in Scobey, Montana, USABuried: Pedigree
2 Son: Duane Sydney ZIESKEBorn: on 6 Dec. 1931 in Carson, North Dakota, USABaptized: Died: on 14 Aug. 2003 in Kennewick, Washington, USABuried: His Wife: Marie Edna CARTERPedigree
3 Dau: Marilyn Jean ZIESKEBorn: on 23 Aug. 1933 in Carson, North Dakota, USABaptized: Died: on 6 June 1996Buried: in Grandview Cemetery, Grandview, Washington, USAHer First Husband: John Edward KAUFMANHer Second Husband: Roland Jacob BREITLINGPedigree
4 Son: Arland Level “Whitey” ZIESKEBorn: on 28 Nov. 1934 in Sidney, Montana, USABaptized: Died: on 8 Aug. 1992 in Sunnyside, Washington, USABuried: in Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Washington, USAHis Wife: Vaughnda Lee CAREYPedigree
5 Dau: Donna Mae Harriet ZIESKEBorn: on 15 Feb. 1936 in Sidney, Montana, USABaptized: Died: on 18 July 2006 at home in Sunnyside, Washington, USABuried: in Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Washington, USAHer First Husband: Troy Devine PLATTHer Second Husband: Kenneth HICKSNotes Pedigree
6 Son: Darrell D. “Dez” ZIESKEBorn: on 7 March 1940 in Sidney, Montana, USABaptized: Died: on 6 June 2009 in Sunnyside, Washington, USABuried: in Lower Valley Memorial Gardens, Sunnyside, Washington, USAHis Wife: Linda Ann Quinlivan EVANSNotes Pedigree Descendants
Tuesday, March 28, 2023