Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Selwyn Walter COLBERT and Loretta Ida CARRUTHERS
Husband: Selwyn Walter COLBERTBorn: on 28 Jan. 1917 in Alcove, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Married: Died: on 21 April 1975 in Alcove, Quebec, CanadaBuried: in Rupert Union Cemetery, Wakefield, Quebec, CanadaHis Father:His Mother:Descendants
Wife: Loretta Ida CARRUTHERSBorn: on 21 March 1920 in Balm-of-Gilead, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 31 March 2000 in Lascalles, Quebec, CanadaBuried: in Rupert Union Cemetery, Wakefield, Quebec, CanadaHer Father: Wilfred CARRUTHERSHer Mother: Annie GABIEPedigree Descendants
1 Son: John Wilfred COLBERTBorn: on 18 Aug. 1941 in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 28 Dec. 1970 in Wakefield, Quebec, CanadaBuried: Pedigree