Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for Paul J. FRYE and Marion G. SULLIVAN

Husband: Paul J. FRYEBorn: on 3 Oct. 1895 in Shelbina, Shelby, Mississippi, USABaptized: Married: on 7 Nov. 1936 in Clay, Mississippi, USADied: on 27 May 1967 in Los Angeles, California, USABuried: His Father:His Mother:
Wife: Marion G. SULLIVANBorn: on 3 Nov. 1906 in Wichita, Kansas, USABaptized: Died: on 6 June 1982 in Los Angeles, California, USABuried: Her Father: Thomas Allen SULLIVANHer Mother: Florence G. KELLEYPedigree
Tuesday, March 28, 2023