Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for Charles Robert WARD and Elizabeth Lorraine KINGSTON

Husband: Charles Robert WARDBorn: in 1925Baptized: Married: Died: in 1987Buried: His Father:His Mother:Descendants
Wife: Elizabeth Lorraine KINGSTONBorn: in 1929Baptized: Died: in 2007Buried: Her Father:Her Mother:Descendants
1 Son: Michael Robert WARDBorn: on 5 March 1948Baptized: Died: on 1 Dec. 1996 in Morristown, New York, USABuried: in Sunnyside Cemetery, Morristown, New York, USAHis Wife: Patricia Norma BOWESNotes Pedigree Descendants
Tuesday, March 28, 2023