Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for Capt. Edward Alexander BOOTH and Mary Jane “Minnie” DONNELLY
Husband: Capt. Edward Alexander BOOTHBorn: on 3 Nov. 1863 in Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Married: in Feb. 1887Died: on 10 Dec. 1936 in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaBuried: in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaHis Father: Edward A. BOOTHHis Mother: Ellen Hayes MALONEHis Second Wife: Olivia Ethel HAZLETTNotes Pedigree Descendants
Wife: Mary Jane “Minnie” DONNELLYBorn: on 15 March 1864 in Garden Island, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 15 April 1909 in Ontario, CanadaBuried: in Catarqui Cemetery, Kingston, Ontario, CanadaHer Father: Capt. John DONNELLYHer Mother: Margaret Jane DOLANNotes Pedigree