Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for William John GALBRAITH and Lillian Evelyn “Eva or Lilly” MARSHALL
Husband: William John GALBRAITHBorn: on 13 March 1884 in Sutton, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 14 June 1915 in Orillia, Ontario, CanadaDied: on 31 May 1936 in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaBuried: on 2 June 1936 in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaHis Father: James Charles GALBRAITHHis Mother: Mary BAIRDNotes Pedigree Descendants
Wife: Lillian Evelyn “Eva or Lilly” MARSHALLBorn: on 29 March 1890 in Orillia, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: in 1969Buried: in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaHer Father: Thaddeus Witherhead MARSHALLHer Mother: Lillias Andrews KEMPHer Second Husband: Ernest A. MANSFIELDNotes Pedigree Descendants
1 Son: William Arksie GALBRAITHBorn: about 1918 in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 15 Sep. 1920 in St. Luke’s Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaBuried: on 17 Sep. 1920 in Beechwood Cemerery, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaNotes Pedigree