Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Pedigree for Joey STEFIK

      +———Nick STEFIK (1907 Ontario, Canada – 1988 British Columbia, Canada)      |  +———Jim STEFIK ( – living)  |   |                      |   |               +———John STORY (1778 Leitrim, Ireland – 10 Apr 1852 Ontario, Canada)  |   |               |  |   |           +———William STORY (31 Oct 1820 County Leitrim, Ireland – 15 Mar 1898 Manitou, Manitoba, Canada)  |   |           |   |      |   |           |   +———Margaret LATIMER (1785 Leitrim, Ireland – 1 Dec 1873)  |   |           |  |   |       +———Thomas Boyle STORY (17 Aug 1851 Fitzroy, Ontario, Canada – 17 Dec 1934 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |   |       |   |              |   |       |   |       +———William (unverified) BOYLE (abt 1770 Ireland – Ireland)  |   |       |   |       |  |   |       |   |   +———Thomas BOYLE (abt 1793 of Ballymodan, County Cork, Ireland – 18 Nov 1846 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |   |   |   |      |   |       |   |   |   +———Sophie (unverified) DAVIES  |   |       |   |   |  |   |       |   +———Hester BOYLE (11 Apr 1822 County Cork, Ireland – 14 Aug 1902 Manitou, Manitoba, Canada)  |   |       |       |      |   |       |       +———Margaret “Mary” CHECKLEY (abt 1791 of Ireland – 3 Feb 1836 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |  |   |   +———George Edwin “Ed” STOREY (11 Oct 1872 Fitzroy, Ontario, Canada – 12 Aug 1958 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada)  |   |   |   |                                                      |   |   |   |                                               +———John HUNT (abt 1437 – )  |   |   |   |                                               |  |   |   |   |                                           +———Henry HUNT (abt 1467 – 24 Aug 1550)  |   |   |   |                                           |  |   |   |   |                                       +———William HUNT (abt 1500 poss. in Gosfield, Essex, England – 12 Aug 1552 Gosfield, Essex, England)  |   |   |   |                                       |   |      |   |   |   |                                       |   +———Ann (abt 1470 – 30 Dec 1552)  |   |   |   |                                       |  |   |   |   |                                   +———Henry HUNT (Apr 1534 Gosfield, Essex Co, England – 1612 Gosfield, Essex Co, England)  |   |   |   |                                   |   |                          |   |   |   |                                   |   |                   +———John CROCHRODE (1317 – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |                   |  |   |   |   |                                   |   |               +———Robert CROCHRODE (1340 – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |               |  |   |   |   |                                   |   |           +———Thomas CROCHRODE (abt 1395 – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |           |  |   |   |   |                                   |   |       +———John CROCHRODE (abt 1430 – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |       |  |   |   |   |                                   |   |   +———John CROCHRODE (abt 1466 Toppesfield, Essex, England – 1 Jan 1533/4 Cust Hall, Toppesfield, Essex, England)  |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |          |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |   +———Sir John GATES (abt 1417 Rivenhall, Essex, England – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |   |  |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   +———Agnes GATES (1443 Rivenhall, Essex, England – )  |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |  |   |   |   |                                   |   +———Ellen CROCHRODE (abt 1505 Cust Hall-Toppesfield, Essex, St. Margarets Toppesfield, England – 10 Sep 1578 Gosfield, Essex, England)  |   |   |   |                                   |       |      |   |   |   |                                   |       +———Agnes CARTER (abt 1485 – )  |   |   |   |                                   |  |   |   |   |                               +———Capt. John HUNT (1582 – abt 1670)  |   |   |   |                               |   |          |   |   |   |                               |   |   +———Aubrey DE VERE  |   |   |   |                               |   |   |  |   |   |   |                               |   +———Jane DE VERE (abt 15 May 1549 St. Andrews, Earls Colne, England – 1622)  |   |   |   |                               |       |      |   |   |   |                               |       +———Margaret SPRING  |   |   |   |                               |  |   |   |   |                           +———Vere Captain HUNT (abt 1613 Gosfield, Essex, England – 24 Jun 1681 Liamolane, Curragh, Limerick, Ireland)  |   |   |   |                           |   |      |   |   |   |                           |   +———Ruth SANDERS (abt 1585 – )  |   |   |   |                           |  |   |   |   |                       +———John HUNT (1633 poss. in Gosfield, Essec, England – 1736 Glangoole Co, Tipperary, Ireland)  |   |   |   |                       |   |      |   |   |   |                       |   +———Mary (abt 1612 Ireland – abt 1675 Ireland)  |   |   |   |                       |  |   |   |   |                   +———Rev. Vere HUNT (1678 – 1 Sep 1759)  |   |   |   |                   |   |          |   |   |   |                   |   |   +———Rev. John HICKS  |   |   |   |                   |   |   |  |   |   |   |                   |   +———HICKS (abt 1659 Tipperary, Ireland – )  |   |   |   |                   |  |   |   |   |               +———William HUNT (1720 – )  |   |   |   |               |   |      |   |   |   |               |   +———Constance PIERS  |   |   |   |               |  |   |   |   |           +———William HUNT (bet 1744 and 1748 Limerick, Ireland – 19 Mar 1821 Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland)  |   |   |   |           |   |      |   |   |   |           |   +———LANE (Lemolane, Ireland – )  |   |   |   |           |  |   |   |   |       +———Robert HUNT (1786 Curraun, Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland – 1840 Fitzroy, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |   |       |   |      |   |   |   |       |   +———Mary WATERS (1748 Ireland – 22 Jan 1823 Mohill, Ireland)  |   |   |   |       |  |   |   |   |   +———Robert HUNT (1826 Curran, Mohill, County Leitram, Ireland – 25 Dec 1892 Fitzroy, Carleton, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |   |   |   |          |   |   |   |   |   |   +———Robert GEELAN (abt 1760 Ireland – )  |   |   |   |   |   |   |  |   |   |   |   |   +———Mary GILLAN (1795 Cloonageeher, County Longford, Ireland – 1840 Fitzroy, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |   |   |       |      |   |   |   |   |       +———Johnson (1749 Ireland – )  |   |   |   |   |  |   |   |   +———Martha Jane “Jennie” HUNT (27 Jan 1851 Fitzroy, Carleton, Ontario, Canada – 1 Jan 1929 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |   |   |       |          |   |   |       |   +———James LATIMER (1790 – )  |   |   |       |   |  |   |   |       +———Ellen Jane LATIMER (1824 Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland – 11 Jul 1911 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |   |   |           |      |   |   |           +———Jane JOHNSON (1792 – )  |   |   |  |   +———Dorothy Eileen “Dottie” STOREY (9 Jun 1916 Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada – 28 Jul 1992)  |       |                                                          |       |                                                   +———John HUNT (abt 1437 – )  |       |                                                   |  |       |                                               +———Henry HUNT (abt 1467 – 24 Aug 1550)  |       |                                               |  |       |                                           +———William HUNT (abt 1500 poss. in Gosfield, Essex, England – 12 Aug 1552 Gosfield, Essex, England)  |       |                                           |   |      |       |                                           |   +———Ann (abt 1470 – 30 Dec 1552)  |       |                                           |  |       |                                       +———Henry HUNT (Apr 1534 Gosfield, Essex Co, England – 1612 Gosfield, Essex Co, England)  |       |                                       |   |                          |       |                                       |   |                   +———John CROCHRODE (1317 – )  |       |                                       |   |                   |  |       |                                       |   |               +———Robert CROCHRODE (1340 – )  |       |                                       |   |               |  |       |                                       |   |           +———Thomas CROCHRODE (abt 1395 – )  |       |                                       |   |           |  |       |                                       |   |       +———John CROCHRODE (abt 1430 – )  |       |                                       |   |       |  |       |                                       |   |   +———John CROCHRODE (abt 1466 Toppesfield, Essex, England – 1 Jan 1533/4 Cust Hall, Toppesfield, Essex, England)  |       |                                       |   |   |   |          |       |                                       |   |   |   |   +———Sir John GATES (abt 1417 Rivenhall, Essex, England – )  |       |                                       |   |   |   |   |  |       |                                       |   |   |   +———Agnes GATES (1443 Rivenhall, Essex, England – )  |       |                                       |   |   |  |       |                                       |   +———Ellen CROCHRODE (abt 1505 Cust Hall-Toppesfield, Essex, St. Margarets Toppesfield, England – 10 Sep 1578 Gosfield, Essex, England)  |       |                                       |       |      |       |                                       |       +———Agnes CARTER (abt 1485 – )  |       |                                       |  |       |                                   +———Capt. John HUNT (1582 – abt 1670)  |       |                                   |   |          |       |                                   |   |   +———Aubrey DE VERE  |       |                                   |   |   |  |       |                                   |   +———Jane DE VERE (abt 15 May 1549 St. Andrews, Earls Colne, England – 1622)  |       |                                   |       |      |       |                                   |       +———Margaret SPRING  |       |                                   |  |       |                               +———Vere Captain HUNT (abt 1613 Gosfield, Essex, England – 24 Jun 1681 Liamolane, Curragh, Limerick, Ireland)  |       |                               |   |      |       |                               |   +———Ruth SANDERS (abt 1585 – )  |       |                               |  |       |                           +———John HUNT (1633 poss. in Gosfield, Essec, England – 1736 Glangoole Co, Tipperary, Ireland)  |       |                           |   |      |       |                           |   +———Mary (abt 1612 Ireland – abt 1675 Ireland)  |       |                           |  |       |                       +———Rev. Vere HUNT (1678 – 1 Sep 1759)  |       |                       |   |          |       |                       |   |   +———Rev. John HICKS  |       |                       |   |   |  |       |                       |   +———HICKS (abt 1659 Tipperary, Ireland – )  |       |                       |  |       |                   +———William HUNT (1720 – )  |       |                   |   |      |       |                   |   +———Constance PIERS  |       |                   |  |       |               +———William HUNT (bet 1744 and 1748 Limerick, Ireland – 19 Mar 1821 Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland)  |       |               |   |      |       |               |   +———LANE (Lemolane, Ireland – )  |       |               |  |       |           +———Robert HUNT (1786 Curraun, Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland – 1840 Fitzroy, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada)  |       |           |   |      |       |           |   +———Mary WATERS (1748 Ireland – 22 Jan 1823 Mohill, Ireland)  |       |           |  |       |       +———Robert HUNT (1826 Curran, Mohill, County Leitram, Ireland – 25 Dec 1892 Fitzroy, Carleton, Ontario, Canada)  |       |       |   |          |       |       |   |   +———Robert GEELAN (abt 1760 Ireland – )  |       |       |   |   |  |       |       |   +———Mary GILLAN (1795 Cloonageeher, County Longford, Ireland – 1840 Fitzroy, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada)  |       |       |       |      |       |       |       +———Johnson (1749 Ireland – )  |       |       |  |       |   +———Robert HUNT (18 Mar 1856 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada – 28 May 1936 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |       |   |   |          |       |   |   |   +———James LATIMER (1790 – )  |       |   |   |   |  |       |   |   +———Ellen Jane LATIMER (1824 Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland – 11 Jul 1911 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |       |   |       |      |       |   |       +———Jane JOHNSON (1792 – )  |       |   |  |       +———Rubena Vera “Ruby” HUNT (8 Mar 1891 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada – 11 Aug 1977 New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada)  |           |                  |           |           +———William (unverified) BOYLE (abt 1770 Ireland – Ireland)  |           |           |  |           |       +———Thomas BOYLE (abt 1793 of Ballymodan, County Cork, Ireland – 18 Nov 1846 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada)  |           |       |   |      |           |       |   +———Sophie (unverified) DAVIES  |           |       |  |           |   +———William BOYLE (7 Jul 1815 of County Cork, Ireland – 30 Dec 1895 Thornhill, Manitoba, Canada)  |           |   |   |      |           |   |   +———Margaret “Mary” CHECKLEY (abt 1791 of Ireland – 3 Feb 1836 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada)  |           |   |  |           +———Josephine BOYLE (4 Jul 1865 Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada – 13 Dec 1941 Darlingford, Manitoba, Canada)  |               |          |               |   +———William WHITEHEAD (abt 1797 Kent, England – 8 Aug 1844 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)  |               |   |  |               +———Sarah Jane WHITEHEAD (7 Jul 1838 USA – 16 Jan 1877 Pakenham, Ontario, Canada)  |                   |      |                   +———Mary Jane PARKER (abt 1805 Waterford, Ireland – 6 Jun 1888 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)  |      Joey STEFIK ( – living)  |      +———Wendy ( – living)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023