Homesteaded N1/2 30-3-7W in Middleton in 1878.
Listed in 1881 Manitoba census as a married Irish farmer, with his wife and one daughter (Minnie).
Listed in 1891 census (taken June 11, 1891) for District Selkirk, Sub-district Dufferin, Page 60. Living with their family of 5 is a William “Lattimore”, widowed, age 76, born in Ireland (and both parents born in Ireland). This may be his father in law, which should be spelled Latimer.
Listed in the 1906 census as having his mailing address as Darlingford (Strangely, it lists his last name as Storie, and no first name), along with his wife, two daughters (Minnie and Alda), and a servant named Rick Kellent, age 20. They lived on Section 30, Twp 3, Rg 7, W1 meridian. At the time, they had 7 horses, 12 cows, 40 other “horned or neat cattle”, and 23 hogs/pigs.
Listed in 1911 census as being born May 1856, and having his wife and 2 daughters living with them.
Darlingford Saga II book has him being born in 1854.
1916 Manitoba census has his wife, and daughter Minnie Jane at home still. Elijah Owens is also there, listed as a lodger.
By 1921, William and Elizabeth are living by themselves, but still farming. Gabriel Sprung and his wife/their daught Minerva live next door with their family.
Birth and death dates from Manitoba Vital Statistics record. The Darlingford Saga II book states that after his wife passed away, he moved in with the H.A. Lowry’s on their farm. In July of 1938 (or 1939), he went for the mail with his pony which ran away, throwing him from the buggy. He passed away because of injuries he received.