Birth year also listed as 1855. Died after 1 week with inflamed lungs. Buried under a tree in Flesherton Cemetery, with no head stone. He was a marble cutter at the time of marriage. Witnesses at the wedding were Jacob Thompson and Susan Holly, both of Artemesia.
His obituary, from the Flesherton Advance, Jan 27, 1887, page 1:
James Hopps Deceased was a resident of our town, and although he labored under the most adverse circumstances, we believe he tried to live as a good Christian should. He overheated himself while doing some work for the Editor of this journal, and then walked some distance out into the country in the teeth of a piercingly cold wind. He became thoroughly chilled, went into the house of his brother-in-law, Mr. Holley, and after some time was obliged to go to bed. Inflammation of the lungs, accompanied by a high fever, set in an notwithstanding all the efforts of his physician, Dr. Christoe, he only lingered a few days. On Thursday, 20th inst., shortly after dinner, he breathed his last. He was unconscious for many hours before his death. On Sunday last, his remains were followed to the Flesherton Cemetery by a very large concourse of citizens and others. Deceased having been an Orangeman was buried by the brotherhood, a goodly number of whom were present in full regalia. The casket was borne on the shoulders of four members of the lodge of which deceased had been a member. Rev. W. Ayers officiated at the late residence of deceased and also during the preliminary ceremony at the grave. Flesherton Band preceded the cortege, and played some very beautiful and solemn airs. In the evening the Methodist church here was crowded with people – the Orangemen occupying front seats in full regalia – when Rev. Mr. Ayers preached a practical and interesting funeral sermon from the words “Prepare to meet thy God.” Deceased leaves a wife and family who should receive the substantial sympathy of the community in this dark hour of their affliction.