Taken from:
BIOGRAPHY: Vere Hunt Esq. arrived in Ireland 24 April 1650 as an officer in the Cromwellian Army with his father John & settled in the year 1657 at Curragh, in the County of Limerick & Glangoole in the County of Tipperary. Mr Hunt was grandson of Henry Hunt Esq. of Gosfield in the County of Essex (who had served the office of High Sheriff for that County). Henry’s wife was Jane de Vere daughter of the Honorable Aubrey de Vere second son of John the 15th Earl of Oxford (ob.1539). Jane’s mother Bridget was the daughter of Sir Anthony Gibbon of Lynn in the County of Norfolk. Vere Hunt was appointed in 1657 & 1660 as one of the Commissioners for the County of Limmerick for raising the supplies then demanded for the public service. He died at Currah at an advanced age leaving two sons John & Henry. John Hunt Esq. the elder son married first Miss Hicks daughter of the Rev. Mr Hicks Rector of Kilcooley by whom he had four sons & four daughters & secondly Miss Bowles by whom he had three sons. He died at an advanced age of 103 years in 1736 & was suceeded by his eldest son.
BIOGRAPHY: Vere Hunt of Williamston County Limerick, sold the lands granted to his father in Country Wicklow to John Barrowes of Arenode Co. Kildare by deed 25 and 26 May 1677 for the sum of 1302. 8. 8 appears due to Captain John Hunt, his father, granted to him under the Act of Settlement, Vere Hunt was a commissioner for levying unposts in County Limerick, 24 June 1657, and for raising money for the Army in the same County, 24 April 1660. He died intestate at Liamolane in that County in 1681. He married Mary, daughter of â€|. administratrix of her husband, 24 June 1681 . They had two sons (1) John of Glangoole A4, born 1653, (2) Henry of Ligadoon A4, born 1654.
(Disc #66 of LDS Pedigree Resource File Collection Pin#428474)