Listed as farmer in Shelby, Iowa in the 1885 Iowa census. They also have a Charles Whistler living with them, age 16, from West Virginia.
There are multiple other Myers families next to them in the 1895 census for Shelby, Iowa, which are brothers, parents, etc.
Marriage date, and parent’s names, from, “Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934”
Shown in Canada 1911 census as P.A. Myers, along with his 2nd wife Rachel, and some of his kids. This particular page is quite damaged in the scans on the government of Canada website. It also appears that they have the birth years for him and Rachel swapped.
It has been told to me that Pleasant never really got over the loss of his first wife, and that he committed suicide. I have not been able to verify this.
On, in the “Iowa, Deaths and Burials, 1850-1990”, it states that he was buried Apr 28, 1934 in Shelby, Iowa, but that he was residing in Oregon at the time. His tombstone is marked “Anderson Myers 1855-1934”.