Aged 10, living with his parents, in the 1861 census for Huntley.
Age 19, living with his parents, in the 1871 census for Fitzroy township.
Listed on their marriage record as being a farmer living in Fitzroy, and his mother’s first name is spelled Annetta. Witnesses were Robert J. Johnson of Huntley, and Eliza Story (an older sister) of Fitzroy.
George and family are in Pakenham township as of the 1881 census. George is listed as a farmer.
The 1891 census shows George, Mary Jane, and their children Selina and Gilbert (and a much younger daughter name “Babie”?), along with Alice Latimer (spelled “Alise Latimore”), age 28, and a domestic named John Sammy Colen(sp?) age 17.